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I have had an absolute nightmare trying to get this running properly anyways here is my new issue with i think is terminal.


I have been trying to get my head around the various hooks, etc etc etc so I could edit my store only to realise I had 2 language options and all my changes where going to the one language.


Anyway to cut a long story short , I went into admin and deleted the American Language as I am in the UK.


By doing this my admin panel has totally screwed up! now I have lost all my usual tabs which have been replaced with admin(then type)


and I get access denied everytime i try and do something. Is there anyway I can get my normal admin panel back or has this bricked my store.


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why did you remove the english language anyway? you can just replace TAX with VAT etc anyway... I think its a clean install OR download the files and upload the en language pack


I didnt I removed the US English and left UK english on (USA flag and UK flag). However I am unable to do as you say because I have lost all the tabs in the admin panel as you can see , and I get access denied no matter what I click on.


I dont know why removing the USA localle should brick the admin panel

Edited by mintminty59 (see edit history)
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