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Unable to install override

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I just uninstalled and tried to reinstall a module Prestablog and this is the error I'm getting. Anyone know a way around this?


The following module(s) were not installed properly:

  • - prestablog :
    Unable to install override: The method loadRoutes in the class Dispatcher is already overriden.

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Thank you for the responses. I'm running and had this all working but I've been doing some FTP back and forth because the upgrade to 1.5.3 didn't work properly.


What files in /override/ should be deleted? The module is Prestablog, but I don't see and files with a name close to that.

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If you manually remove the function "loadRoutes" from the Dispatcher class definition in /override/classes/Dispatcher.php that should get you back to where you would have been if the module had uninstalled properly (unless it overrides any other functions in there in which case you'll need to keep removing the function it complains about until it doesn't complain anymore!).


If no other module has overrides in there - and you haven't added any manually, then you should also be able to just delete the file /override/classes/Dispatcher.php and the install should use the copy from the module's override/classes directory when you install it.

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  • 8 months later...

I am getting below error when I am trying to install below module


  • - ILLICOPRESTA_P15_StockManagement : 
    Unable to install override: The method getAllProductSupplierPrice in the class ProductSupplier is already overriden.


Urgent help will be appreciated..


this is my code in the file ProductSupplier.php


class ProductSupplier extends ProductSupplierCore
    public static function getAllProductSupplierPrice($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $with_currency = false)
            // build query
            $query = new DbQuery();
            $query->select('ps.product_supplier_price_te, s.name as supplier_name');
            if ($with_currency)
            $query->from('product_supplier', 'ps');
            $query->where('ps.id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND ps.id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute );
             $query->leftJoin('supplier', 's', 'ps.id_supplier = s.id_supplier');

            if (!$with_currency)
                            return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);

            return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);

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open overrides directory and check if there is override of ProductSupplier class




inside class there, paste code from module override (/modules/ILLICOPRESTAMODULE_I_DONT_KNOW_NAME/overrides/classes/)


this is all what i can do in this case, due to the fact that i don't have enough information about this addon.

and in my opinion, they should help you if you paid them for this addon

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  • 5 months later...



I have installed the Search Term module successfully on local host, when I try to install on the web site, I got an issue of override dispatcher, I even replace the dispatcher comes with the module, and reset the promission to 777. Just won't work.


Any help from you? Thanks in advanced

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  • 3 years later...


Il modulo seguente (s) non sono stati installati con successo:

  • - recaptcha :
    Impossibile installare l'override: Il metodo preProcess nella classe AuthController è già sovrascritto.

           Unable to install override: The method loadRoutes in the class Dispatcher is already overriden.




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  • 10 months later...

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