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Module categories with drop down menu for version 1.5

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Good morning everyone. I'm looking for a module categories for a site selling auto parts new used.


Should I put in Homepage instead of the classical categories module for cars as attached image.


What form should I install? use the version of prestashop 1.5


P.S. = Sorry for my english not very fair!


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you can do it by using localization -> translations feature in your prestashop, just translate / change "categories" value in "installed modules" list.


if you want to move "OK" button to the right, open sbs-block.css file in modules/stepbystep/css/ directory and add "text-align:right" to .sbs_submit as i show below:


.sbs_submit {display:block; margin-top:5px;text-align: right; text-align:right;}

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