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States not available in IE 8

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A customer has commented me that the states option is not available after selecting his country ( or any other with states) when using Internet Explorer version 8.


I have tested on IE 9, IE 10, Chrome, Firefox and other browsers and seem to work fine.


I'm using Prestashop


Any help will be appreciated.

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Some more info:


with IE 9 in compatibility mode the Create account button doesn't works, it does nothing.


Customer also commented that he couldn't enter on creating account, only after a few clicks and pressing Enter he could access to the account creation.

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I believe the problem is in the theme, I have found there was a problem also related with the create button and should be solved by removing the line:



$('select#id_state'+(suffix !== undefined ? '_'+suffix : '')+' option:not(:first-child)')


in /themes/default/js/tools/statesManagement.js

I'm testing now in compatibility mode with IE9 and still have an issue with the create button.

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I have followed your indications and also found a thread about it: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/147274-error-in-authentication-with-countriesneedidnumber/


Have added all vars as indicated and now it works in compatibility mode, can't test with IE8 but I hope it works .


I whish the create account button had no delay because it seems to be not answering but finally works.


Thanks so much.

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