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Horizontal Menu not include css in I.E .

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Hi all! I use Prestashop version I noticed that the module 'Horizontal Menu' does not work fine in IE9 and earlier versions. It seems that the menu is loaded correctly only in a few pages (001.gif) , while in other pages is present but the styles are not loaded (002.gif). Have you some ideas to solve this issue? Thanks All. Bye.



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Just check :


advanced parameters > performance > CSS smart cache, and select the other option (i do not remember the english name)

and check customers can create account, you will may also have a problem. the solution is in the forum, the file concerned is theme> authentification.tpl

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Just check :


advanced parameters > performance > CSS smart cache, and select the other option (i do not remember the english name)

and check customers can create account, you will may also have a problem. the solution is in the forum, the file concerned is theme> authentification.tpl


??? wha? Why is that supposed to interact with the top menu in every page? What's the sense of thise message? :blink:

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Try disabling modules that are loaded before that one (go to modules->positions and look which ones are loaded before blocktopmenu in the "header" hook). Then re-enable them one by one. If disabling doesn't do anything, your issue is likely to be found in global.css, if this happens sitewide

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