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How to migrate Prestashop website to another server?

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Hello Friends,


I'm trying to change my server for Prestashop website build on this version But I'm unable to run the website on my new server with subdomain.


I already changed below steps

Step1- . Upload all files to new hosting via FTP.

Step2- Database changes ps_configuration table and edit "PS_SHOP_DOMAIN" and "PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL" with the new domain.

Step3- Make the changes in ps_shop_url

Step4- settings.inc.php make the changes as per my Database details.


And the Error comes:

Server error


The website encountered an error while retrieving http://xyz.com/subdomain/index.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly


Can you please help me how to fix?

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  • 3 months later...

I have succefully move from web to local host a new frech presta, once I have moved it , I can go to BO and FO, also I can add a module and so one.

But with my main web I cant, I dont know why I have done the same, I have


0.Unactive all the modules that are not native

1.Modify the table ps_configuration in table PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and in PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL to localhost.

2.Modify the table ps_shop_url in domain to localhost, in domain_ssl to localhost, in physical_uri to /notaria-52/notaria-52/

3.Erase the files in cache\smarty\compile and in cache\smarty\cache everything with out the index php .

4.Rebuilt the htaccess by enable and disable the multistore


The good part is that I cant enter to the BO, but by the time that I click in modules I get white page with [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module Cart:

Class 'Cart' not found


That also happends if I try to go to products.


In the front office I just get white.


HELP!!!! please.! Its driving me crazy!..


I am willing to pay, I need this solve asap

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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks for your help. but the problem was loading time server I had to change php.ini


  On 6/26/2013 at 4:58 PM, smartdatasoft said:

Hello, you do not need to edit other than ps_shop_url table. where you have to put you domain url. if it is on localhost then put localhost other wise put your site url like mysite.com and after that put the folder local. and update.

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