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[SOLVED] Paypal - No confirmation email received

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Has anyone experienced that issue? I want to configure the Paypal module and i tried to open a business account.

The problem is that i don't get in my email accounts the eamil confirmation from Paypal, so i'm unable to confirm the emails...


I tried 2 different emails from 2 different domains. Nothing. Then i added a third one from gmail and it worked. I got the confirmation emails from paypal on the gmail but not on the other 2 accounts (those 2 are hosted in the same server).


No emails on my spam/junk folders. No paypal blocking anywhere on the emails accounts and cPanel. The hosting company even shuted down the spam filters and firewall for testing and simply don't have any request from paypal to the server.


The starnge thing is that after a few days trying, now i dont get any email confirmation on the gmail account. None of the email accounts are geting the paypal confirmation email.



Edited by mtm (see edit history)
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Thanks shacker,


It's not a payment issue. It's a Paypal registration problem...

I'm not receiving the Paypal emails to confirm my paypal emails in the account. Therefore, i can't even have my Paypal Business account!


Well, i now it's not exactly a Prestashop problem but a Pypal problem. In Paypal foruns, there are no explanation from them to this recurring issue except the pre-formated answers, with all the same "copy/paste solutions" that won't solve or explain the problem.


I was just wondering (hoping...) if someone here faced this problem (and actualy had a solution).


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