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[Resolu] Problem inscription on myaccount

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[Resolu] Problem Register My Account Customer Module




I am currently preparing a shop with the basic theme of PrestaShop, version, with a shared hosting at OVH, and I have a problem with customer registration module Prestashop "My Account".


During the simulation of the registration of a customer (currently in test phase), the shop is in preparation and closed to the public, I can not record customer. At the end of filling the form and after clicking the button to the recording, an error message appears:


There are 8 errors :

- 01. id_default_group required

- 02. last_passwd_gen required

- 03. ip_registration_newsletter required

- 04. newsletter_date_add required

- 05. clef de sécurité required

- 06. note required

- 07. date_add required

- 08. date_upd required


After many attempts, nothing is impossible.


All error messages seem to come from the module "pss_customer" of the SQL database.


I tried to repair the database "pss_customer" without success.


I've done the uninstall and install a new module on the My Account BO, nothing happens.


I hesitate to recreate a new SQL database, not having to rebuild the whole architecture and site data.


Have you a solution to fix the module My Account or Prestashop module "pss_customer" SQL database without any OVH again.


Thank you in advance


Following screenshot of the error message.


Edited by jhb13 (see edit history)
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