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Blurred product images in category;

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I searched a lot of posts here, but didn't find the solution.


The problem with my shop is, I'm currently testing the shop and I can figure out the problem is;


The images in Home page are Crystal clear, while the same images when I view them in the category page seems to be pretty hazy and blurry !

Need a response asap..


Home Page:




Tshirt Category Page:






Need a solution as soon as possible! thanks in advance.

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Hello goutfits, it seems that your images are being stretched out. The images that you are uploading are resizing to 124 x 124, this is the original size http://goutfits.com/prestatest/prestashop/36-home_default/best-game-ever-red.jpg


Your template is taking those images and stretching it out to fit that box. I'm not sure what version of PrestaShop you are using but go to your images tab and see what size "home default" is.... You may need to change that size.

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