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Changing buttons

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I have been hearing from customers that they find the checkout process confusing in 1.5.2. Specifically, I'm getting a lot of feedback that people are confused by the "Vouchers" field. Currently the button next to the Vouchers field reads "OK". Since my customers aren't familiar with the term Vouchers I was trying to come up with a different wording for that and then it occurred to me that the problem seems more likely to be the button it's self. Okay implies acknowledgement and dismissal, moving forward. You click okay and something progresses but this button should read "Apply" or "Apply to order". I looked at Translations and tried changing some of them but I guess I don't know what to change.

Would anyone be so kind as to point me in the right direction?




I'm sorry, I just thought of one other thing as well. When customers click the "add to cart" button it kind of greys out until the product is added to the cart. Is there a simple way to change the text on the button when it greys out to something like "Please wait"?


Thank you to anyone who read or replied to this message. Your help is most certainly appreciated.

Edited by bullywug (see edit history)
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so its probably template issue, but im not sure at all


you should check your shopping-cart.tpl file for important in this case {if} condition:


   {if $voucherAllowed}
 {if isset($errors_discount) && $errors_discount}
  <ul class="error">
  {foreach $errors_discount as $k=>$error}
 <form action="{if $opc}{$link->getPageLink('order-opc', true)}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order', true)}{/if}" method="post" id="voucher">
   <p class="title_block"><label for="discount_name">{l s='Vouchers'}</label></p>
    <input type="text" class="discount_name" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value="{if isset($discount_name) && $discount_name}{$discount_name}{/if}" />
   <p class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="submitDiscount" /><input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value="{l s='OK'}" class="button" /></p>
 {if $displayVouchers}
  <p id="title" class="title_offers">{l s='Take advantage of our offers:'}</p>
  <div id="display_cart_vouchers">
  {foreach $displayVouchers as $voucher}
   {if $voucher.code != ''}<span onclick="$('#discount_name').val('{$voucher.code}');return false;" class="voucher_name">{$voucher.code}</span> - {/if}{$voucher.name}<br />


does it exist in your shopping-cart.tpl file?

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Thank you so much. That does seem to have done the trick. Would you happen to have any insight into the second part of my question? If there's a way to change the text on the "Add to cart" button on click to "Please wait" instead of just graying out the button.

Thanks again.

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Sure thing. This is our staging area: http://kinkypiggy.ca/staging/shop/index.php and this is our live shop: http://kinkypiggy.ca.

The site is obviously an adult oriented site (not porn) so if you're easily offended you'll want to avoid. The behavior I'm referring to is when a user is on the product page and clicks the "Add to cart" button. We are currently on a shared hosting provider (though we're moving to a VPS) and the delay (especially in Firefox) between when a user presses "Add to cart" and the site actually adds the item to the cart can be upwards of 30 seconds. I noticed that the "Add to cart" button changes when pressed to a greyed out version of the same button. I was hoping to change the button to say "Please wait" or something similar so customers have a better indication that something's happening.

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its really weird that it takes about 30 seconds .... maybe it is cache / force compilation issue?

and to be honest, im trying to find out how to change button to "please wait" but i cant figure out how it works in your store

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I appreciate you looking Vekia. I think the delay is caused by our hosting provider putting too many users on one database server. The delay is the same whether using the Ajax cart or the standard cart so I thought that implies the database is the choking point and not the Ajax. I think the Ajax just compounds the issue in Firefox due to it's poor handling of JavaScript. Delay is more like 12 seconds in Opera.

May I ask if you believe this to be another template issue that can't be fixed in the translations section of back office? If that's the case I can try contacting the theme's manufacturer. I just didn't realize it was a function of the theme file.

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