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Display total amount from orders in BO?

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How can I display the total amount of orders in BO?


Let's assume we have 3 orders that are currently in the status "shipped".

Order 1: total of 100 EUR

Order 2: total of 50 EUR

Order 3: total of 100 EUR


So, the total of our 3 orders which have the status "shipped" is 100+50+100 = 250 EUR.


How can I display the total of 250 in the bottom part of the page in BO?




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Hi webbusiness23, from what I know, going to the Orders>Orders and sorting by Order Status does not total the amounts in that specific order status.


I may be wrong, but I do not see a way that you can total order amounts based on Order Status.


This was a thing present in the previous versions of Prestashop (for example in 1.2.5).

So, does anyone know how to display the total i'm talking about in my first post?

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