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[solved] Ad a message beside all products

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Hello fellow presta-lovers,


I was wondering if it is possible to ad some text beside all of my products. I sell clothing, and it is a big issue that people do not check their sizes before ordering. Today I have had to amend an order because the customer chose the wrong size and it is problem/headache I would like to try and avoid in the future.


I was thinking of maybe adding a note like: "Have you checked your size?" beside each product and maybe with a link to the size guide, but i`m not sure how to do this.


If any of you guys could help out or have any alternative ideas i`d love to hear from you. :)

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you can use our free module html block for prestashop free

with this addon you can create any content you want - so in in this case you can create table with sizes etc.


You want to create one table for all products or separate tables for each product? (i ask because for each it isn't possible with this addon)


Hi Vekia,


I already have a separate page which includes tables of sizes for all products, so I would just like to put a piece of text with a link to the size guide on the product page to remind customers to check it before they add to cart. I was thinking of placing it somewhere like the red area of the image below:




Could this module do this?

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HI Brian, yes the module can do this. I'm not sure if it needs to be specifically hooked somewhere on the product page. Maybe vekia can help more but yes, using that module you can add text and a link that your customers can click on.


Great, i`ll download it and see what it can do.

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of course!, with this module you can create link to page with informations about sizes etc exactly there where you want :)


I tried it, but unfortunately with the free version I cannot place the text where I want :(

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I tried the new version but it does no appear on the product page? I selected "product actions" but I cannot see it? In the back-office I checked the hooks, and it does not appear in the product actions or product footer hooks either. I tried transplanting it into those hooks but it will not allow me to do this.


I am using PS 1.4.7 is it fully compatible with that version, or am I doing something wrong?

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you must reinstall module.

uninstall & remove old one (even if you uploaded new version!)

and then upload new version again and install it :-)


I deleted the old one before I installed the new one. I tried reseting the module and it worked!


Thanks for the help, i think you can mark this one as solved :)

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