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Any efficient ways to do this

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Hello ,


i have 3 main categories A,B,C on homepage drop down menu


A has 9 sub categories a1,a2....a9

similarly b & c has 9 sub categories


when i select a1 (sub category of A) B & C with their sub categories(b1...b9,c1...c9)

should come in product filter (i already have a filter which filters based on subcategories)


Please let me know if there any efficient way to do this


i have planned like this , but it will result in creating many subcategories


every sub category will have other main categories has sub categories


a1 - >will have B & C as its sub category

b1 -> A& C as its sub category & so on...



Thanks & Regards

Shueb Mohammed

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Can you code in javascript or so? I can imagine it should be possible to create code that :

adds siblings of "current parent" and their children to product filter.


Never tried, though...


(BTW, make sure your 'recursivity' stops after some level depth, otherwise you get things like

a1 adds B-b1 that adds A-a1 that adds B-b1 etc.


Any javascript coder has an idea how to set it up??


My 2 cents


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