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Theme Help

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I have basically sorted out my products in my new shop but I am trying to sort out the look of my website now.


I have downloaded a few themes but they don't seem to sit properly like they should and I don't understand these hooks.


Basically my main problem is the header and footer, I can figure out the main page.


How do I change the header to begin with as the text for account goes over my logo, can I move it?


Also the footer is all messed up now I changed the theme. Instead of nice neat columns it only has 2 columns one for 'my account' on the left side of screen which is fine, but then my address is where the 2nd column would go but lower down and looks stupid and then the other columns that were there before are not there now?


Can anyone help me out?



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you should be familiar with html, css and smarty/php


For the first you should read documentation about editing template and managing modules:

header section is coded in themes/your_theme/header.tpl file, moreover there is a hook called {$HOOK_HEADER} , what does it mean? it mean that exactly there modules attached to this hook will appear. So you must also edit all modules template files...

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I have no clue whatsoever about any of those at all :(


Does this mean that I will struggle with prestashop? I want to do it myself and not pay someone but also want it to be a good working website


I have no idea about these hooks and what would I edit in the module files you mention


Thank you for the reply though

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it isn't as hard as it looks :-)


html code of your website is located in .tpl files of your:

1) theme

2) modules


to edit theme you should go to the themes/your_theme directory, sometimes a big part of your store html language is located in modules. Then you must go to the modules/module_you_want_to_edit/some_template_file/tpl or themes/your_theme_directory/modules/module_you_want_to_edit/....


as i said presta is based on HOOKS, hook as i said is place where modules added to hook appear. You can find out which modules will appear in any hook in modules->positions section in your BO. You've got list of hooks there and modules added to each hook.

(you can also change module positions etc.)


for the first, I think, is better to read documentation it's very helpfull

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