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PrestaShop 1.5 and iDevAffiliate integration

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I'm trying to integrate the iDevAffiliate affiliation system with Prestashop.


iDevAffiliate integration instructions request to modify the config/smarty.config.inc.php by adding the line


$smarty->allow_php_tag = true;




$smarty->compile_check = false;


and then adding the following code at the end of the order-confirmation.tpl file:



<!--- IDEVAFFILIATE.start -->
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from ps_orders where id_order='{$id_order}'"));
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mydomain.com/idevaffiliate/sale.php?profile=81&idev_saleamt='.$arr['total_products'].'&idev_ordernum={$id_order}"></script>';
<!--- IDEVAFFILIATE.end -->


Once done all these changes and after recomiling the theme, when finishing the order, I receive a browser (Chrome) error 104. With FireFox I receive a blank page.


Order is properly processed but no commission is asigned to the affiliate and the customer cannot move from the blank or error page.


Does anybody has integrated properly iDevAffiliate with PrestaShop?





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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I have created a module that you can use to easily add the integration tracking information into your store. You will not need to worry about altering the smarty configuration or hard coding your order confirmation templates.


You can purchase the module directly from my website.



The module supports Prestashop v1.4 and v1.5

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We upgraded from 1.4 to the latest and idev is one of the only issues we've had.


I am very interested in purchasing your module..right now..., but will I have to remove the code i've already put on order-confirmation.tpl and OrderConfirmationController.php?


Not a big deal if I do, it's only a few lines, but wanted to make sure there would be no conflict.

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