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Multiple shops and notify_url and paypal

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Hello all,

I am currently running one shop and have just added another one. After a few teething difficulties such as them both sharing the same database I got the second to work.

I would have been happy for them to share the database but the reason I wanted two shops is so that google will index 2 languages and target two countries seperately. The products are the same, just the language is different. anyway. . .

After testing with paypal the order is sent and recieved to the other shop. The shop it originated in does not show the transaction and the original shop gets an error in payment with no details. eg address

I've read a bit about this and apparently you can make a change in paypal with the term notify_url

This returns the email to its source rather than to its coded sender, this being in my case my original shop.

My problem is that I have no idea where to put this. Is it coded into the site? or is it something I add to paypal?

Any ideas would be much appreciated, sorry it's a ramble and thanks in advance.


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