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layered navigation not work for product ID > 2147483647

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After installing and configuring layered navigation, this not works with products with ID > 2147483647


You can test importing 10 products with ID >2147483647 forcing ID and combinations.


Please help me


thank you in advance!



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its all because maximum integer (INT) value is 2147483647 it is a 2^31

more about numeric types you can read here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/integer-types.html



It is therefore the maximum value for variables declared as int in many programming languages running on popular computers, and the maximum possible score, money etc for many video games. The appearance of the number often reflects an error, overflow condition, or missing value etc.


in this case you can use BIGINT not INT col type in your mysql tables related to combinations. Why BIGINT? because minimum value of bigint is -9223372036854775808 and maximum 9223372036854775807 :))))

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