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You cannot make a merchandise return with a guest account

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I just commented the following 2 lines of code in order-history.tpl and that did the trick.


<p><img src="{$img_dir}icon/infos.gif" alt="" class="icon" /> {l s='You cannot make a merchandise return with a guest account'}</p>




Also Dh42, I tried your Prestashop Tracking in Customer Account code in my 1.5.2 shop but the link isn't showing on my front end? Also, just for clarification, when they go view the details of an order, it does show a tracking link in 2 spots.

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Are you using carriers that have tracking? It will not show if the there is no tracking code associated with the order. Can you screen shot the issue, I don't guess I know what you mean its not showing on my frontend and it is showing in 2 spots.

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The double link on the page is not related to the code, I would just comment it out. The code was broken though, I didn't actually test it on 1.5, I was lazy that night. Replace it with this and it works, I just tested it.

{if $order.shipping_number}<a href="http://trkcnfrm1.smi.usps.com/PTSInternetWeb/InterLabelInquiry.do?origTrackNum=@{$order.shipping_number|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Track Order'}">{l s='Track Order'}</a>{/if}


That is for usps tracking.

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