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Google SItemap 1.6 module - ERROR!

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the Google Sitemap module have generated an error since few days and I don't know why...


Basically, I can't update the sitemap no more because if I do this, the page on my back office became blank and the sitemap lost all data and bacame a 0 byte file...


I don't know what to do!

I tried to delete and regenerate the sitemap, I tried to re-install the module, I tired another module but the result is the same... I no more have a sitemap!



- version of Prestashop

- server provider LiquidNet Ltd

- number of categories 45 / about 800 products.


Please, help me as soon as you can! :(


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you might try doubling your allowed php memory from 64m to 128m...using google search 'prestashop increase memory' or contact your hosting provider (if you know how to update your php.ini, then do that).


Thank you very much!

I've solved the problem! :D

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