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Reduced Prices wrong discount calulation Prices-drop

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When I apply reduced price to any products I get wrong reduced price. I use PS 1.5.1


In BO I go to prices and set special price (Prices-drop):

price is 716,55 and I set discount to 10% and I get 644,89 and it should be 651,40 !!!!!!!!!!

I have tried this also on PS 1.5.3 and I get same error.

I get same error with voucher code, discount is wrongly calculated. Whey voucher is applied in cart.

All prices are with tax

How is this possible?

I was trying to find where these calculations are done, but could not find it.

Strange thing is that all discounts are wrong.

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  • 4 weeks later...


i'm using PrestaShop™ and i have find similar bug:

i have create an article with price 100, and using combinations i have crated 4 articles.

the first one have price 100

the second one 110

the third 115

the fourth 120

Using Specific prices in prices, i have applied a discount of 25%.

the results are:

- 81,25 instead 75 for price 100

- 91,25 instead 82.50 for price 110

- 96,25 instead 86.25 for price 115

- 101,25 instead 90.00 for price 120


If i use a single price, result is correct: 25% for 100 is 75, and the product show it.


nobody find it ?

Edited by frague (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

I have a similar problem with discounting a combination (or just one option).

If I discount a dollar amount, then it leads to a lot of muck in the pricing.

If I discount a percentage, it displays the incorrect price, ie: Reduced price! CAD $0.00; however, it DOES put the correct pricing into the shopping cart.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm using prestashop and i have problems with specific price. when i set specific price a product, the price doesnt change. it used to be ok, now it failed to change the price based on my setting. please help. Ive been trying to solve this problem since months ago.. and now i 'm stuck. i cant run promotion due to that problem.. pls help. tq

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i think there is a big bug with taxes/specific pricing and combinations.

does the price change to the correct price after it gets added to the cart section?



try finding the setting 'show taxes in shopping cart' and disabling that. i think it is in one of the tax sections, but not positive.

i think that is resolving it for me for now, but i've yet to fully test it.



whichever you are discounting by: percentage or by amount.. try the opposite.

Edited by JodyOH (see edit history)
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  On 5/28/2013 at 7:36 PM, JodyOH said:

i think there is a big bug with taxes/specific pricing and combinations.

does the price change to the correct price after it gets added to the cart section?



try finding the setting 'show taxes in shopping cart' and disabling that. i think it is in one of the tax sections, but not positive.

i think that is resolving it for me for now, but i've yet to fully test it.



whichever you are discounting by: percentage or by amount.. try the opposite.



Thanks for your reply.. ive checked the tax section, it's already disabled.. as i dont use tax in my sales...because it's all included...and i tried the options you suggested, it still doesnt work with both amount and percentage... it used to work.. but suddenly it didnt. do you know what else can i do? thanks for your help

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i'm still a noob so not much else i can say other than check odd things you wouldn't suspect:


a.) is it possible to upgrade prestashop to 1.5.4 (or newer?)

b.) contact your hosting provider. it is -possible- that the host site did some changes that affected you in an odd way. seems strange, but for me, my host had a funny issue with categories.

c.) create a new test item, and then do a special on that. same problem?

d.) make sure you have your own 'customer account', to view the cart. maybe logged-in users see the specific pricing?

e.) i don't know about your version, but make sure in specific pricing, for Customer, it says 'All Customers'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, just some followup, i believe i discovered the culprit.

first back up your database : )


Try changing your shop theme to 'default' and see if that solves the problem.

For me, the default theme has radio boxes (little circles), and the prestashop theme has combo boxes.


My bet is the radio boxes have slightly different code than the combo boxes. perhaps you can choose between the two in your theme?

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys!
I have the same problem and let me summarize it so we have the whole info in one post (as far as I understood):



1. I have Prestashop v.

2. Applied discount with percentage or with amount (e.g. 3$ discount) on different products

3. My theme is derived from the default theme with alterations I made over time for changing colors, bug removal, etc.

4. Taxation option is OFF


Behavior observed:

1. With both percentage or amount discount, the prices are not displayed correctly in the product page.

2. However the prices are displayed correctly BOTH in the catalog (let's say if you open the page with the whole category or list of products, there the prices of the products will be ok) and in the shopping cart.

3. When from the catalogue page I click on the product to open the product page and the internet connection is slow, for a second in the product page I can see the price correctly calculated! And then it becomes the incorrect (higher) one.

4. If I change to default theme, the discount is correct but my theme doesn't differ so much! Well, colors and shapes mainly - see here http://crewstockings.com


Actions taken:

1. Renaming my theme to default did not solve the issue. But since there is no error with discounts with the genuine default theme, this means (as someone above said) that the problem is within my theme folder.

2. Removing the file product.js in the js folder in my theme solved the error with the discounts!


I saw this topic talking about js and how it messes up with php: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/251266-reduction-type-amount-but-front-office-shows-in-percentage/?view=findpost&p=1250747. Still no clue for me since i am a total LAME in programing.


3. I replaced the product.js in my theme\js with the same file from default\js folder. First it seemed it worked. The default .js file was 2 days newer (27 April 2013) than my theme .js (25 April). I guess due to shop update or I don't know, the default got updated and mine didn't.


4. Now the PROBLEM is that if there are combinations of the product and only one is discounted, the discounted price shows up to all of them in the product page view! Well, good news is that in the shopping cart the prices are correct.


5. Solution - I took the product.js file from the new version and put it into my theme. If you have free time, you can see in the file what is different.


This bull$#&$t cost me 1 day of my life but hey, this is the price of free software. And I am sure the paid one is not better either.


Please hit LIKE THIS if it helped you. Thanks.

Edited by vankata.be (see edit history)
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I suggest the person opened the topic to mark it solved if it solves this issue. Unless someone wants to go deep into that js and see the tiny reason there.


How to add [sOLVED]: press "Edit" at original Question, press "Use Full Editor" and edit the header line. Voilá!

Please, always tell/add the final solution working for your problem, so others can re-use it :-)


Please like the useful posts :-)

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There is a new version of prestashop, that although i haven't been brave enough to install it, doesn't mean you shouldn't :)


Anyway and maybe i'm recapping stuff said earlier but:

a) Your theme should be compatible with prestashop 1.5. I tried multiple themes, and they all perhaps have code mostly designed for 1.4 prestashop (guessing here).  The theme for some reason has the code responsible for pricing and showing sales. The theme i had most success was ..google thgr00027o, or graphileom. This isn't an endorsement, just saying sales prices worked -better- and is worth a try just to see what happens.


B)Create a customer account (with address) and view your shop that way! Without logging in, i see 'guessed' prices including taxes. Logged in, i see correct prices. 


Hopefully this helps, after this i got nothin!

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Well, I'm new to it - this is my firt PS installation giving me quite a hard time :) I have PS and I use default template - I only managed to change backround color a bit. Of course I keep checking the prices being logged in as a customer - all I see is just regular price.

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I did what vankata here suggested - removed product.js file from my themes/default/js folder. Nothing changed. I got rid of all the default folder and had it replaced by the original, downloaded one and still nothing.


I have a group defined. The group has a 10% discount defined. Plus I have products with special price for this particular group also defined as 10% off the base. I must have done something wrong - some silly mistake I guess...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Same issue. 


So it looks like the discount is applying incorrectly. 


I made it very simple. I added a new item for $500. 


I applied a discount of 250 which should be $250. 


I just don't get it. 


Someone please help. 


I'm doing this for a client. My first time with this cart?


I may have to go somewhere else. 











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  • 6 months later...

post #10 fixed the issue for me . I have a California based website and when applying a percentage discount to a manufacture it was showing a the correct discounted price on the manufacture page with all the products but when going to the ctual product page it showed a higher price. Thank you for the fix/

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  • 4 months later...

I know this problem when fix site of my client, prestashop have mistake in code php of file classes/product.php

line 2687 $reduc = !$use_tax ? $product_tax_calculator->removeTaxes($reduction_amount) : $reduction_amount;

we need change it to

$reduc = $use_tax ? $product_tax_calculator->removeTaxes($reduction_amount) : $reduction_amount; -> right code

after it is work good. Here is error of prestashop core

Edited by ghostbaby86 (see edit history)
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