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Mails Alerts errror adding a new field

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I just installed a module called RENTAL MODULE , and its add a new field called "start_date" in ps_order_detail table


I want include this field in the mail i get on new order but dont know why , it doesnt works


i tried




Cause this sentence works for all the other fields in ps_order_detail table.


After that i tried with a SQL



$sql = 'SELECT start_date FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail WHERE id_order_detail='.$product['id_order_detail'];


$start_date = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);


Its only works then i put a number but not with .$product['id_order_detail'];


I use a new variable $idorderdate and aply (int) to it


... and still nothing yet.



Any Ideas?



thanks for your time

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Thanks for your time Nemo


I upload the mailsalerts.php , http://neoyra.com/mailsalerts.rar


U can see the modifications on line 129


Here is a capture what i get on mail


The first cell gets the result of

$sql = 'SELECT start_date FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail WHERE id_order_detail='.$product['id_order_detail'];

$start_date = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);

<td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;">'.$start_date.'Sql Sentence'.$sql.'</td>


U can see that its get the Id order detail 55 but dont get the result of the sql sentence



The second sell get the result of

$sql2 = 'SELECT start_date FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail WHERE id_order_detail=2';

$start_date2 = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql2);

<td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;">'.$start_date2.'Sql Sentence'.$sql2.'</td>


and its works



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