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Sitemap link not working

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Assuming you are using PrestaShop, you can navigate under Preferences / SEO URL. From there turn this feature off, Click Save. In your front office navigate to a couple of products.

Come back to your back office, turn that feature back on and save. Navigate a few products in the front office.


That will regenerate your .htaccess file. Be careful, any custom changes to it might be gone...


Take care.

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Hi. Thanks for the advice, but I'm not sure what you mean by "turn this feature off". Could you be more specific? The only reference to Sitemap I see in the SEO URLs section is in the first list of pages. I tried deleting the Sitemap entry and following your instructions before recreating it, but this didn't help.





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Nemo suggested to regenerate htaccess. Matt tried to tell you how to do that.


In this URL/SEO screen, you could toggle friendly URL off (then save) and then on (and save again) to regenerate htaccess


Hope this fixes the problem. :-)


My 2 cents,


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what does it do when you try to regenerate your sitemap? back office--modules--ganalytics


blank screen? please be more specific..screen shots etc...as there appears to be some confusion (for me anyway) of what exactly your problem is.


your last good sitemap.xml was built on March 1, 2013


EDITED: I am pretty dense...you are talking about your sitemap link...my post should be ignored. Time for a nap.

Edited by elpatron (see edit history)
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I generated a Google sitemap xml file, which the Sitemap link is obviously displaying instead of the php file. Do I need to keep the xml file in my root directory, or can I move/rename it and resubmit it do Google with the new name/location? Sorry, I'm new to this :blink:



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