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[SOLVED] Changing thumbnail display in product page


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Hello all,


I am trying to change the display of thumbnails on the product page. I assume I have to change something in product.tpl but I don't know how.


I want to remove the scroll bars when there are more than 3 thumbnails and simply move the extra images to the next line. Any help is appreciated,


Edited by atomhead (see edit history)
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Managed to get rid of the scroll bars by editing the if statements in product.tpl.



{if isset($images) && count($images) > 3}<a id="view_scroll_right" title="{l s='Other views'}" href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}">{l s='Next'}</a>{/if}


and the other one for the scroll left part.


I edited the CSS for views_block to remove overflow:hidden.


However, now I can't get the overflow to wrap in the div so the items within the thumbs_list frame move to the second line.

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It appears the javascript in product.js is putting an in-line style for the width of the frame. I'm playing around with this but I don't really know JS so I don't know what I'm doing, but hopefully I can hack it enough to get it to work how I want it.

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Hacked it. Commented out the following lines to remove sizing through the JS file:



// if (i > 0)

// {

// var thumb_width = $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').width()+parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').css('marginRight'));

// $('#thumbs_list_frame').width((parseInt((thumb_width)* i) + 3) + 'px'); // Bug IE6, needs 3 pixels more ?

// }

// else


Lines 492-497 in product.js.


Hopefully this post will save someone else a few hours of time!

Edited by atomhead (see edit history)
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