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Shopping cart summary problem

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I have a problem with the shopping cart summary. Whenever I add products everything is showing and working fine, but when I click on the "Cart" button or the "Checkout" button, the shopping cart summary is not showing any of my products, but showing five times a product called "Home", description called "Home" and the quantity for all five lines is set to 0. If I just continue the order process the products in my Back Office are showing fine, so it is not a problem in my Back Office but just a problem in my Front Office in the shopping cart summary.


I use 1.5.3 and you can view the problems here:


Edited by barefoot (see edit history)
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Hello Barefoot,


I was just looking at the LeoTheme site in order to try duplicating the issue. Can you specify the theme that you're using?





Arnel C.


Community Support Team


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It is called leo hitech theme, but it may not be available anymore(I still have the zip file). It may be a problem as it is not a 1.5 theme, but so far this is the only problem I have encountered so maybe I can still use it

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Hello Barefoot,


Thanks, I went to their website and looked for it, but I didn't see it. It's definitely a possible issue if it was not made for 1.5. Try using one of their other themes (compatible with 1.5) just to see if the cart will work. Better yet, give the people a message at their site: LeoTheme Contact Form (or contact their support people) - you can probably get an updated version of the theme.





Arnel C.

Community Support Team


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