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URL Issue IE9 & Firefox

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I am starting with a fresh installation but encounter an issue.


In IE9 mij links to items are :




And in the categorie menu:




In FIrefox both are shown as follows:








Under Set up URLs I have all three items disabled.


Most people get when they click on the categorie menu or the items a redirect towards my 404 page.


I am using the latest version


Oh yes, and I cleared cach and all that kind of things. So that is not the problem.


The URL to the site is http://www.studio-marnique.com/boutiquemarnique/


This is the test location of a new website I am building for my [spam-filter].



Please advice.

Edited by Mexboom (see edit history)
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There seems to be something wrong with friendly URL's (URL rewrite)


Try switching them off for starters, then check with your host to ensure it is enabled on your site

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