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HELP - Voucher / coupon does not work in one page checkout

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Please help me. Has anybody the same problem with vouchers/coupons? When I turn on One page checkout, the coupons do not works both for registered or unregistered users. When I change checkout for clasical 5 step, it works perfect... When I enter a voucher code, the page automaticaly refresh but nothing change...I have prestashop


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Sounds like you have an ajax error on the page, have a link?


It doesnt write any error even when I turned on errors.. :/ site is not in english, so you can test it here:




- add no image product to the basket (košík)

- after click on the left button "pokladna"

you can try code 4NNYTTRG


button VLOŽIŤ means subbmit...


thank you

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