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Creating admin pages for modules

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I wrote a few custom modules for my old 1.4.8 store and I'd like to use them on my new 1.5.3 store. They had their own admin pages with links in the admin system menu but I can't work out how to make new pages for the 1.5.3 admin system. Does anyone know of any tutorials?

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Hello Mammoo,


Here you are: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Developer+Guide


The new version 1.5+ of Prestashop was significantly changed and I suggest you carefully read about the tutorial "Creating a Prestashop Module" and also look at the new controllers (ModuleFrontController and ModuleAdminController). Additionally but not least, check the article how to use the Context object.


Also additionally, cross check the 1.5+ canvas module which is just GREAT ;-) Here is the link:




Hope this helps!




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Thanks for the info. I had skimmed over the developer guide but I didn't spot anything specific about creating admin pages. Having read it in more detail it does have some clues. I've just about got there now though thanks to the links so thanks again.

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