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Please test - so slow !


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Hello everyone, I just started with Prestashop and I'm loving it.


I'm hosting it with Godaddy, at a particular fast server (all my other sites are fast enough).

With this shop, though, I'm having a very long waiting time at every click but as soon as it starts downloading, it's quite fast.


I used chome developer tools, in the network tab and noticed that the initial waiting time is due to a "Redirect"... do you know any way of avoiding this? is it some sort of mal-configuration?


The shop is at: http://www.2pets.pt (it was an upgrade from a 1.2.xxx version so it's still very ugly).

I've also installed a new shop at http://shop.2pets.pt for comparison. It's faster but it also as the Redirect lag.


Can you please help me?

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