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Is there a way to add an image to the product page?

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I am setting up a site for my client. They have a camana shop. In one category out of six, it comes with warranty. Is there a way I can insert an image to that and only that category in the product page?

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.


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The easy way is to just add the warranty image to the product image, and then it will automatically appear on all thumbnail pictures too. The hard way would be to add the image to the product page only if id_product == the id of the product with the warranty and then use CSS to absolutely position the warranty image over the product image.

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Rocky, thank you for the reply.

I have to use the hard way. Because I am making this for my client. I used the same images for the non-warranty and warranty products. They have over 150 images for each line of product, therefore I don't want to add 150 images to the category. I want to decrease the burden and make them easy to update their inventory for them. Is there a way you could please tell me exactly how to do it?

Very appreciate your help.

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