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Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)

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I am stuck at step 3 of installing prestashop 1.5.3 , the system configuration step.

I am getting the error " Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)"


I searched the forums and noticed that a few people ran into this problem but I did not find a satisfactory solution. I did create a database at my hosting site godaddy and I am entering the data correctly see

screen print below. Help!!




Database server address:

If you want to use a different port, add :XX after your server address where XX is your port number.

Database name:

Database login:

Database password:

Database Engine: InnoDB MyISAM

Tables prefix:

Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)

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I am stuck at step 3 of installing prestashop 1.5.3 , the system configuration step.

I am getting the error " Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)"


I searched the forums and noticed that a few people ran into this problem but I did not find a satisfactory solution. I did create a database at my hosting site godaddy and I am entering the data correctly see

screen print below. Help!!




Database server address:

If you want to use a different port, add :XX after your server address where XX is your port number.

Database name:

Database login:

Database password:

Database Engine: InnoDB MyISAM

Tables prefix:

Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)


are you sure that you insert correct database data?

in most cases, this is the main problem, you should apply database datas correctly

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