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Shipping Cost Question

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Getting used to using Prestashop now, however I do have a question, well many actually but will try and work the others out lol.


Its a question on shipping, erm again, anyway what I want is have one set of items where its just £5 delivery, doesn't matter how many of the items they order, it will be £5 to be delivered, is there anyway to do this?



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You read http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Managing+Shipping ?


If you did, and you have a question or did not understand something, then ask a specific question.


General questions, or questions where it seems a member is looking for someone else do to work for them rarely get answered.


When a member asks a specific question, explains what they tried to do and what went wrong / what was the result get answered much more often...

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Thanks for your input and I do appreciate what you are saying. However I did read that entire section and couldn't find anything that related to my specific question which was :-


How do you get just one shipping charge for certain types of stock, in this instance fishing bait, there are lots of different types of bait and I set the shipping charge on each product to £10, but when its added to the basket the shipping charge is going up depending on how many items are in there, for example say 5 different types of bait, the basket is showing £50 shipping, what I needed was if someone added bait, whether its different amounts or different types the maximum the shipping would be is £10 only.


I can see where I could possiby set a price range from £10-£10 and assign that carrier to only the bait products but wouldn't that only show up at the checkout and not in there basket?


Thank you

Edited by Jonj1611 (see edit history)
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I'm sorry, I misunderstood your question, specifically the part about applying this rule only to some of the products.


As far as I know there is no way to do this out of the box.


What you could do is modify the code that calculates the product specific extra shipping cost, which currently multiplies by quantity to ignore the quantity and simply charge that flat fee per product.

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