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How Do I Make The Add Predefined Caracteristic Button Appear All The Time

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Hello guys,


I was wondering what i could do to make the (Add value first) button from the features tab when creating a new product.


See the attached file to see which ones i'm talking about :)


Thank you.


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I solved it on my own thank you :)


What i did was this:


I took the following code from admin/themes/default/template/controllers/products/features.tpl lines 76 and 77

<a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminFeatures')|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}&addfeature_value&id_feature={$available_feature.id_feature}"
class="confirm_leave button"><img src="../img/admin/add.gif" alt="values_first" title="{l s='Add pre-defined values first'}" /> {l s='Add pre-defined values first'}</a>


And copied them below line 60 which had the following in it:

{if sizeof($available_feature.featureValues)}


Save the file and upload it to the server and voila, it works like a charm, now you can add pre-defined values directly from the create product page without the button disappearing.


Some of you wonder why you would do this, well i did this to ease my work in adding pre-defined values for the Layered Navigation (filter) that comes pre-installed with PS which filters the features only if they have predefined values in them... and i use middle click on the add new value button, add the value and then close the tab and press save and stay on the product page and the product updates the lists of pre-defined values, afterwards letting me pick the value i just created.


Hope this works.

Edited by Alexandrwc (see edit history)
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