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More on manufacturers

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Hi everyone,
I'm working on my manufacturers' page and it seems to be the part that's giving me the most trouble. Many different designers contribute to my shop, so that's what I'm using the manufacturers' section for. There doesn't seem to be a lot we can do to customize these pages without lots of editing, so I have several questions before my brain explodes:

- I'd like to add a long description of my manufacturers that includes HTML (links, br tags, etc) on each of their pages. Right now I'm just using $manufacturer->description[$id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8', but it doesn't allow me to use HTML at all.

- Is there any way I can upload PNGs as my manufacturers' logo? I can only do GIFs and JPGs at the moment, but I'd really like to be able to use PNGs.

Thanks a lot! <3

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I need to add 1 more camp in MANUFACTURER'S ADDRESS.

You know, when you go to BO - Catalog - Manufactures - you can see the list of your Manuf. and the address list. I need to add a camp in a address of manufacturers that is ALIAS or NICK.
Anyone know how to do that?

Best regards,

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