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Website Extremely Slow - Intermittently

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I have a 4gh hosting on Godaddy and our site rationhut dot com has been running perfectly fine from the last 4 months, until recently we did some local advertising and saw a decent spike of 1k users and dropped back to about 300-400 visitors a day. Post that, the site has been behaving extremely weird. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast and sometimes it throws a 500 internal server error.

We spoke to the godaddy folks and they recommended to go for a dedicated server. The reason they told us that the system processes being generated are very high and which is why the site goes slow.

I have few questions based on their priority

1. Is there any quick temporary solution that I can do to have my site quickly running back to normal atleast for a few hours and after it goes slow again, perform the same action (something like a refresh server)

2. Is 300-400 visitors really bad for a 4GH hosting? I mean thats barely anything.

3. Why is the site randomly slow even when there are no users?

4. If we have to move to a Dedicated server, what is your recommendation on which prestashop will perform best on.

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After about 4 days of research This looks like a DB problem.

I put up a static page and it takes less than 0.4 seconds to load.

People recommend to clear up Guest carts and also clear up stats(clean automatically)

What is your take on it?

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You lost me at GoDaddy, one of the worst hosting companies in the world.


Switch Switch Switch!


If for some reason you do not want to change, you can try to turn on dev mode in PS and look at the massive printout at the bottom of the page.


It has stats about every single sql query, as well as other load times, it should help you identify what is taking so long.

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A godaddy dedicated server is false advertising in my opinion. When I think dedicated server, I think everything on one machine unless you are in an enterprise class and you are running dedicated sql servers, but that is a whole other class. Godaddy still farms its sql out when you are on a dedicated. Just about every instance I have seen with a customer and a godaddy problem, it is database latency. So getting a dedicated machine, but using shared sql hosting is a joke. Plus look at the processor specs on those things, my laptop uses a better processor.

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Guys, Thank you so much! I really appreciate some reply at least and some hope. We are startups struggling really hard to make this a success and no replies really meant we were going no where.

I agree to the fact that it must be Godaddy, however I would still want to know what exactly is the root cause. Mainly, because we barely have about 300-400 visitors a day with about 4-5 concurrent users. The system fails badly even when there are 2-3 concurrent users.

I realized that I had made some 1500+ 500 vouchers for a local advertising campaign. and it was working fine, until everyone started pointing that their vouchers werent working. So we saw that the categories werent selected and are only option was to update and select all the categories manually. We started seeing this slowdown. What is your opinion.

Next step is that if not Godaddy, then who's the best, reliable and also cheap as we cannot afford it that easily.

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Thanks DH42. I will definitely start analyzing on this and move soon if nothing works out.


Can you tell me what Toberg is trying to say.

"If for some reason you do not want to change, you can try to turn on dev mode in PS and look at the massive printout at the bottom of the page.

It has stats about every single sql query, as well as other load times, it should help you identify what is taking so long. "


I tried doing the following

Put the site on maintenance mode, added my IP, edited the defines.inc.php file, changed dev mode to true. I was expecting the site to load up with the errors/stats of every single sql query, but it did not show me anything different. Help please.

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I did the following changes


In Config File

Changed Display errors to on

Changed PS_debug_sql to true


In Defines.inc.php file

changed ps_modedev to true

changed ps_mode_demo to true


But it did not show me any stats like the example stated

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Quick Update. Now i'm reaching closer to the problem

2 strong observations

1. I had a backup of the database from the month of September. I imported it to a new database, pointed prestashop to that database and bingo! It started working perfectly fine.

2. I tried exporting the current database, imported it to another database and it threw an error. <!Doctype not recognized by SQL.

Read somewhere that one should not feed HTML to the SQL engine. This makes me wonder, that I had a HTML box module installed on my site. Although when I installed it, there were no performance difference.


What's your take on it? Can anyone help me sorting out the import database error?

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OK! Now the doctype error was because the tables were not exported completely.

With no solution in hand, the only thing that worked for me is I took a backup of the db, restored it in a new db and pointed my site to the new db. It seems it is working fine now, but I will have to keep observing. Appreciate everyone's contribution towards this.

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Feel free to give me a call at 888 947 6543, I would love to help you figure out how to best configure you servers to run optimally with PrestaShop...


We have a hard time with GoDaddy and their dedicated server is not really dedicated...


Give me a call and I will share ideas with you.

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I will call at your country day time. If this is true, I appreciate you extending your help in the most personal way. This will be highly appreciated with every prestashop and the whole world outside if this kind of support is readily available.

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