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{Solved} Product Thumbnails Blurry


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After changing the size of the product thumbnails they appear blurry in the product list.


Here is an example on my site;




username: stack

password: overflow


I've tried changing the preference in Preferences -> Images to a bigger width and height, and also changing the jpeg and png files to be highest quality. Is there some edit in product-list.tpl I need to make?


Thanks very much in advance!

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Hey vekia :)


Thanks for the suggestion, however still not having any luck. :( I have the max dimensions set to 500px by 500px and the image I'm uploading is over 400x400 just slightly.


Am I missing something obvious?


Really appreciate the help!



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Hey i3msip, I have done it at least 10 times now unfortunately. I just noticed that was the size of home_default images so I disabled those images for Products and Categories but it still persists (and I regenerated after as well).


My settings are;






Maximum size of product pictures


The maximum size of pictures uploadable by customers (in Bytes)


Product picture width


The maximum width of pictures uploadable by customers


Product picture height


The maximum height of pictures uploadable by customers


Use the legacy image filesystem


This should be set to yes unless you successfully moved images in "Images" page under the "Preferences" menu

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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Hey guys!


I solved it by changing the dimensions of the 124x124 thumbnail to max 600x600 which is the image dimensions I wanted.


Thanks fellas. Enjoy!

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