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[UPDATED] 1.5.4 FINAL Available [UPDATED]

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If you disable class blowfish and it works, so it's a server problem. Seems that rijndael is not installed on your server. Please ask your provider.


No you loose nothing, you simply change the default values from your host to a greater package. But please contact your provider before. Perhaps you cannot change the values.

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We contacted our hosting and told us that they are controlling and can change without problems.

The problem is just like others who do not see the translations from the Back Office Directory / default but are displayed as the theme. DEV set to true they appear and work perfectly. The other problem is the block instead newsletter that disabling it pop Blowfish translations and displays confirmation messages and error after clicking OK. Unlike blowfish if the class is active it changes the translations that you can not find in the back office and does not display any error message or confirmation.

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  On 4/5/2013 at 3:18 PM, WorkingPS said:

We contacted our hosting and told us that they are controlling and can change without problems.

The problem is just like others who do not see the translations from the Back Office Directory / default but are displayed as the theme. DEV set to true they appear and work perfectly. The other problem is the block instead newsletter that disabling it pop Blowfish translations and displays confirmation messages and error after clicking OK. Unlike blowfish if the class is active it changes the translations that you can not find in the back office and does not display any error message or confirmation.

I correct that the newsletter module worked before the upgrade from to 1.5.4

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  On 4/5/2013 at 3:21 PM, cd2500 said:

OK, so all is going to be fine for you... No I don't need any log-in data. You will see that with the changes your shop is running well again.


Wish you a nice weekend.

We wait a reply from Hosting for Settings php.ini

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  On 4/5/2013 at 2:41 PM, cd2500 said:

What I understand from what you wrote here, your shop is an upgrade ?


When not all lines are shown so the problem is a server setting. Try to upgrade the following values on your SERVER php.ini. If you do not have access to this, so please contact your provider and ask him to adapt the values.


max_input_vars = 3000
suhosin.post.max_vars = 10000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 10000


Other possibility of don't have access to the modules (white page) is a module not compatible with PS 1.5.4. You had a white page ?


For the second, If you have own translations or adaptations made, so it is better to save them before you upgrade or import a language pack. Otherwise it is correct that you will loose all adaptations made.

The Hosting reported that the parameters are set in this way: (

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Yesterday I restored the Newsletter module and took the configurations and the Default theme and the theme you use purchased. And 'as if it is registered by the theme that I use but then I discovered that if disattivavo blowfish it began to work.

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  On 4/6/2013 at 6:10 AM, cd2500 said:

Did you tried also with default theme ? Perhaps your bought theme has a bug, i.e. is not compatible with PS 1.5.4. ?

I have try with Default and is same problem. I dont know why dafault theme is mixed with a buy theme but i think this is normal.

So same problem for each with this Newsletter block.

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  On 4/6/2013 at 9:49 AM, luconelucone said:

Hi, I'm testing 1.5.4.

There's a problem with Mobile:

the modules are not loaded (example in a clean installation the search bar isn't visualized in mobile theme).



I've not found the problem, you??


I found the problem!!

In Hook.php the function getHookModuleExecList call $sql->where(Module::getPaypalIgnore());


getPaypalIgnore have a problem!! If I remove it appear search in mobile theme!!

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  On 4/6/2013 at 10:39 AM, WorkingPS said:

I have try with Default and is same problem. I dont know why dafault theme is mixed with a buy theme but i think this is normal.

So same problem for each with this Newsletter block.


This is not normal. Did you copied some parts from your theme to the wrong folder ? Mixed views could be also a problem of browser cache. Are you sure you deleted the cache ? If yes so something is weired with your themes. Perhaps you are using old scriptings. Did you tried to replace the module by the latest one of a fresh download ?

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CD2500, can it be you speak of something else? Browser cache has not impact on back office translations.


WorkingPS speak of translations in BO. Switch PS_MODE_DEV on true, and all modules of every theme is displayed and is called default theme module. This IS normal!! It is wrong that they are all named modules of default theme. They are parts of diferent themes.


An other user has posted here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/230149-updated-154-final-available-updated/page__view__findpost__p__1170710


What he says is right. I have 2 themes and same problem like WorkingPS when I switch PS_MODE_DEV on true!

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@ Mutabor - The problem is that WorkingPS is talking about several problems and things at the same time...


So now to clarify:

Translations from default modules should be made at Localization-> translations -> modules -> default

Translations from extra modules coming WIHT a theme should be made at Localization -> translations -> modules -> your theme


Problem with blowfish and rijndael could be a server problem or a problem form an old scripting in the bought theme. WorkingPS please ask your provider if module mycrypt is activated and configured on the server (I presupose it should be, otherwise you will have other problems, not only the newsletter).


The hint delete browser cache and so on, was only for the problem he is having on front office. By the way, I don't know what all was done before... (Changes on template, changes on code, etc...). Most of this problems are related to caching.


Concerning problem PS_MODE_DEV this should be too a server related problem. I cannot reproduce it. Not on bought theme, not on default theme. I see all lines for translation independent of the mod dev on true or on false.


My server configuration:

  • magic_quotes_gpc = off
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • max_input_time = 300
  • memory_limit = 512M
  • upload_max_filesize = 20M
  • post_max_size = 20M
  • max_input_vars = 5000

  On 4/8/2013 at 8:33 AM, Mutabor said:

What he says is right. I have 2 themes and same problem like WorkingPS when I switch PS_MODE_DEV on true!


And for this problem, as you can read also some posts before, there is no fix for it. It is in work. Again I ask for to have some pacience. By recalling or reinforcing it, the problem will not be solved.

In the meantime you can translate your modules via FTP if it is not possible on back-office. Also explained how-to some postings before...

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Manual Upgrade from to


Tried on local many times and on live server and always get error 34 <action result="fail" error="34"/



Downloaded new install/upgrade.php and still the same


Is there a cure for this?

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And for this problem, as you can read also some posts before, there is no fix for it. It is in work. Again I ask for to have some pacience. By recalling or reinforcing it, the problem will not be solved.


Problem is already solved and will be available soon with PrestaShop

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  On 4/8/2013 at 8:36 PM, eleazar said:

Problem is already solved and will be available soon with PrestaShop


Do you know if there's any sort of time perspective set for the new update? Is it a matter of like 4-5 days, or 4-5 weeks? I am about to launch a shop pretty soon, and would really need to know. But I feel like I could just as well ask Odin or an oracle for an answer, there's no real clarity so to speak.

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I think the new version will not come to soon but you can look here https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commits/development which changes are made and manually test if the changes are fixing the problem and if so, use the code from github. Of course proceed with caution and test it on a test installation but I see no problem to use the one or another fix directly from github.

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I'm afraid this isn't the solution we're waiting for. :(

They did not only apply changes we suggested in the bug tracker but obviously tried to solve a lot more problems.

I tested the new version from github on both and 1.5.4 and it seems to contain a new bug or maybe some. I posted this already here:



So I don't think that using the modified Controller you find in Github is currently the best idea.

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I have try with Default and is same problem. I dont know why dafault theme is mixed with a buy theme but i think this is normal.

So same problem for each with this Newsletter block.


What exactly do you mean? Mixed in Back Office translations or in Front Office display?

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  On 4/9/2013 at 10:00 AM, eleazar said:




What exactly do you mean? Mixed in Back Office translations or in Front Office display?

I mean the Default theme is mixed with Buy theme example some Modules of Buy theme are in Default theme but i think this is normal. Only problem for now is Newsletter Block and Loyalty Module.

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  On 4/9/2013 at 9:57 AM, eleazar said:


I'm afraid this isn't the solution we're waiting for. :(

They did not only apply changes we suggested in the bug tracker but obviously tried to solve a lot more problems.

I tested the new version from github on both and 1.5.4 and it seems to contain a new bug or maybe some. I posted this already here:



So I don't think that using the modified Controller you find in Github is currently the best idea.


I am afraid you are right. It feels like I would have moved away from Prestashop already, if I had not already purchased a quite expensive theme for it. Will probably be quite a high priority once I get things running, I simply can't spend hours and hours dealing with stuff that doesn't work. Will cost me far more in the end.

Edited by Bocko (see edit history)
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I am very new to PS. I just started using it last month with version and just upgrade firstly manually but later on by

1-click Upgrade v1.0.13. to 1.5.4. I got some problems with friendly URL and tagging but those are solved from reading this forum.


However, I still got a big problem on shopping cart with the shipping fees.

The cart located on homepage top left was solve not to show "FREE SHIPPING" from the previous code in this forum.

But once I checked on the shopping cart inside after I select and press "Update Carrier List" button and

press "Update Cart" button, the shipping fees is not updated but show as "FREE SHIPPING".


Could anyone suggest me solution about this? Thank you very much. I very much appreciate it. :)


My demo website is http://store.relishthai.com/.

You can try to add item by selecting the "TEA" tag and add one item to the cart and see the "FREE SHIPPING" problem.

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  On 4/9/2013 at 10:06 AM, WorkingPS said:

I mean the Default theme is mixed with Buy theme example some Modules of Buy theme are in Default theme but i think this is normal. Only problem for now is Newsletter Block and Loyalty Module.


Already checked this ?



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the new Prestashop Cleaner module introduced with the latest version DO create several unrecoverable damages to the database.

The most visible one is the total disruption of the visualization of color attribute in the layered navigation.

I know that these kind of alerts must be sent to the bug tracker but I wanted to warn the whole community about this.

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  On 4/4/2013 at 3:00 PM, jos0405 said:

Some pages are broken for me. E.g. 9 in 1 Content pack module generated pages. Is this some kind of CSS error?




I am having the same problem with a module generated page which worked fine in PS I am not getting the deprecated warning about the header function though but a number of stylesheets are not loaded and the page is broken.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 3:45 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

Guys, could some of you test the following situation:


Enter specific price for a product - 25% discount and all other settings as they are. What price do you get on product page? Wrong or the real one shown in every other place including checkout...?


wrong one.


tax excl 0.05 x 60 pieces = 3.00

with 10% discount should be 2.70


reality - 0.04x60 = 2.40

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It's calculating the price everywhere but the product page correctly.


And I found now that it only display wrong prices on product with combinations. On products w/o combos everything works fine.


Wrong - http://www.rampageho...shinguards.html


ok - http://www.rampageho...0%BA%D0%B8.html



This is not real stopper because the discount could be done manually and aplied as fixed amount but it's better to show % to the customers...


And before you ask - all my combinations are WITHOUT impact on price

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In country setting, i set the Need zip/postal code to No but I keep getting "The Zip/Postal code you've entered is invalid" message while registering unless the Zip/post code format is set to blank.


In previous version, setting the Need zip/postal code is enough without the need to set the postal code format to blank.

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If you're experiencing this bug - http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-8722


Here's the solution: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/3cbd8444d69eff328b378b858855de149ea4a2bd and the solution for the solution - https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/a632965b0d12b679f7c1ed7c10a8cd62a18afe85 (a row was commented)


Refresh your cache and it should show proper prices in the product page with special prices in % and combinations.

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And one more bug... (damn they keep going strong...)


If you use PS cleaner module the client addresses don't get truncated. So when you make new account (in this case with id_customer 1) guess who's address I also have in the address book - yeah... you guessed it - John Doe's


Is it safe to delete all addresses not related to anything (I see the warehouse address and my current test addres)???

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Hey PrestaShop community,


This is a development version. However, can you please check if the...


1. Dev_mode translations issue with adminimportcontroller and admintranslationscontroller

2. Free Shipping fix in modules/blockcart/ajax_cart.js



In this thread, please let me know if these issues still persist. Thank you!


Update: No Link Ready Yet, sorry.

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  On 4/15/2013 at 2:01 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hey PrestaShop community,


This is a development version. However, can you please check if the...


1. Dev_mode translations issue with adminimportcontroller and admintranslationscontroller

2. Free Shipping fix in modules/blockcart/ajax_cart.js




In this thread, please let me know if these issues still persist. Thank you!


Good news.

Don't have time to try it out myself at the moment. Is this to be seen as an indiction we are closing in on a new "stable version"? ;)

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Naa, anyway. In case it helps, I can confirm the "dev"-version installed with manual upgrade (1.4.10) without problems. Version number is so it smells more like a small bug fix version than a big stable release?!


Whoo, there goes another one. Is it the same you posted ealier Ben?

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tested 1.5.4-development classes/cart.php


it's better, but still bug with rounding ~+/-0.01


After first look good news - voucher discount is correct.


bad news - if product price is 0.05 excl tax, then for users with 10% customer group discount calculation is wrong.

0.05x100 = 5.00 + vat

presta - 0.04x100 = 4.00+vat (wrong kinda.........)

should be 0.05x100=5.00-10%= 4.50

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  On 4/15/2013 at 2:01 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hey PrestaShop community,


This is a development version. However, can you please check if the...


1. Dev_mode translations issue with adminimportcontroller and admintranslationscontroller


Didn't tried yesterday, but will try today, when I'm back at home... As I told before: I never had any problem with translations till now on PS 1.5.4.....


  On 4/15/2013 at 2:01 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

2. Free Shipping fix in modules/blockcart/ajax_cart.js




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Well not sure whats up here as my cart still says free shipping, Fresh install from Github.

Another issue is the product images are not showing almost everywhere, as you can see in the images no images in the module blocks, some images show in product view and those that do none show the first thumbnail.

I have regenerated images, this had no effect.

Early testing, anyone else have this same issue.






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  On 4/17/2013 at 7:20 PM, tdr170 said:

Well not sure whats up here as my cart still says free shipping, Fresh install from Github.

Another issue is the product images are not showing almost everywhere, as you can see in the images no images in the module blocks, some images show in product view and those that do none show the first thumbnail.

I have regenerated images, this had no effect.

Early testing, anyone else have this same issue.








After some further testing the image issue is a Friendly URL issue as if I disable Friiendly URL's all images appear as normal.

Strange that this was not an issue with

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This issue has always been the same since 1.5's release, If your are not logged in as a customer Free shipping is shown in the cart instead of $0.00. (and summery)

The images I posted above are with out being logged in as a customer, once you log in then the Default carrier price is shown.

The problem is with vistors or guest visiting your shop and seeing the free shipping, then they create an account and get a shipping charge instead.


The issue is resolved in the cart summery just not in the Header cart, the image below is with the fix from the forge applied.



There was a fix for this posted on the forge along with my fix for the summery here:








ps. Yes I installed and configured the USPS module.

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How about the images with friendly URL's enabled any issues there.

I have not at this point added any of my own products as I am thinking of a new user.

They would play and learn with the Demo products and if there is an issue with the images then they will and up here with the same question.

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No, I havent had any issues with the images there. I know Conny tested it on a live environment. I tested it on a local host.



Regarding the Free Shipping Fix


I made three Carriers for all zones with unlimited price and weight ranges


-Free Shipping ($0.00)




In 1.5.4 whenever you added a product, it would say Free Shipping until you chose your carrier,


In this version, with the ranges and carriers being constant, it will show ($5.00) , where in 1.5.4 it would say Free Shipping.

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Yes and the Free shipping is the issue that everyone wants to change to $0.00 rather then Free Shipping.

The cart should never say Free Shipping unless your actually offering it.

As for setting up shipping this has no effect on non-registered users or registered users when not logged in.

I do not like the Free shipping as it is mis-leading to the guest/visitor of my site.

I am testing on a live environment on the same host as the other three sites I have, this is the only version that I have an issue with the images and Friendly URL's.

I un-installed and installed twice just to make sure the install went correct same issue both times.

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So the other issue is in the .htaccess file it does not seem to generate correctly as I said above with friendly URL's enables most of the images do not appear in front office.

So today I took the .htaccess file from another install I have an upgraded 1.4.7 - 1.5.4 and placed that in the fresh install folder and all images show (except viewed products).

There is definitely a difference in the two files when compared in notepad++.


Before I create a bug report I'm looking for some feedback from others as to whether they have this issue or not.

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Hello all,


You can download release package (not official yet). This should fix the free shipping error, and also the translations error that some have experienced.



Regarding any calculation error, (small prices, tax, vat etc.) We will focus on this for the next major release.


This version will be officially released early next week so I highly suggest you test this if you are interested.



Happy Selling!






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  On 4/19/2013 at 8:26 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hello all,


You can (not official yet). This should fix the free shipping error, and also the translations error that some have experienced.



Regarding any calculation error, (small prices, tax, vat etc.) We will focus on this for the next major release.


This version will be officially released early next week so I highly suggest you test this if you are interested.



Happy Selling!







Is that supposed to be a download link as it leads to Gmail sign up.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 4:00 PM, tdr170 said:

For those of you with the Free Shipping issue there is a fix and I am not sure why this was not fixed before 1.5.4 was released.


in ..modules/blockcart/ edit the ajax-cart.js file and replace lines 598-601 with the code below.

Be sure and empty you ..cache/smarty/cache and compile folders to be sure this takes effect. (do not remove any index.php)




if (parseFloat(jsonData.shippingCostFloat) == 0 && parseInt(jsonData.nbTotalProducts) >= 0)





I've just come across this post but I don't think the line numbers are the same. Could you please post the actual lines of code you replaced?




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  On 4/19/2013 at 9:38 PM, Porpoise said:

I've just come across this post but I don't think the line numbers are the same. Could you please post the actual lines of code you replaced?





Those line #'s are correct for 1.5.4 for other 1.5 versions the lines should be very close 1.5.3 they are 593-596.

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  On 4/19/2013 at 9:47 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

After you set up your carriers, did it show still show Free Shipping when you add something to cart?


Have not got that far yet, however I did take a look at the ajax-cart file and it is the same as the one that shows free shipping but maybe they changed it elsewhere.

I also downloaded the one from your link will check very soon and let you know.

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  On 4/19/2013 at 9:48 PM, tdr170 said:

Those line #'s are correct for 1.5.4 for other 1.5 versions the lines should be very close 1.5.3 they are 593-596.


These are the lines I have: (594 - 600) v.1.5.2


 if (parseFloat(jsonData.shippingCostFloat) > 0 || jsonData.nbTotalProducts < 1)


Thanks! Works just fine!

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  On 4/19/2013 at 9:47 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

The Zip says it was modified yesterday at around 7 PM. I'm not sure otherwise.


After you set up your carriers, did it show still show Free Shipping when you add something to cart?



Yes Free shipping! still shows in header cart when item/s are added to cart and you are not logged in as a customer.

I do see that now when logged in as a customer and in store pickup is the default carrier $0.00 displays rather then Free Shipping!

That's closer to what were shooting for, now it needs to be the same for visitors/guest.

This has not been an issue for me for customers as I just set the default carrier to USPS but for someone just visiting the site they see free shipping only to find out that its not.


I am more then happy to send anyone login info for this shop as it is a test site.


Also still have issue with product images not displaying when friendly URL's is enabled, the other very strange one is that the viewed products block will show image after first viewed product with or without friendly URL's but once you have more then one viewed product the images don't display with or without friendly URL's. (very odd)


Never had these issues with

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Did you check the group access of the carrier? I upgraded from 1.4.x and had a wholesale group. After upgrade the carrier only attached to default and wholesale group and therefore shows free shipping although I have applied handling charges. I have to give group access to visitors and guests and than free shipping disappears. Maybe your problem is related to something like that too?

All the best, trip

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  On 4/20/2013 at 9:32 AM, Trip said:


Did you check the group access of the carrier? I upgraded from 1.4.x and had a wholesale group. After upgrade the carrier only attached to default and wholesale group and therefore shows free shipping although I have applied handling charges. I have to give group access to visitors and guests and than free shipping disappears. Maybe your problem is related to something like that too?

All the best, trip



No that's not it as all carriers are assigned to all groups, this is more related to not being signed in as a customer, If you are not signed in the shipping just like taxes has no address to apply shipping charges to.

When a visitor/guest visits the site and adds anything to cart Free shipping is displayed until a carrier is chosen in the shipping estimator and that is what myself and others want to change to just show $0.00

As I stated above when signed in the cart shows $0.00, now I did also notice during testing last night that when a visitor/guest clicks checkout and enters a State and zip then the Free shipping! chnages to $0.00 (kind of strange)

I also in my live shop do not use the estimator as I have found that the estimated charges are lower then the actual charges a visitor/guest receives once they create an account and are signed in.

I have posted a fix for this issue several times but don't want to have to correct something that is so simple to fix in the first place, Not sure why Prestashop chose to change this and have Free shipping show in the cart in the first place, this was never an issue in 1.4.

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  On 4/20/2013 at 10:25 AM, WorkingPS said:

Who can help me for this problem?

Thanks more to all!



Not sure what you mean by chopped database, but Prestashop now has a module just for this, look in the modules section and look for Prestashop Cleaner, this will remove all demo products orders customers and so on.

Did you remove the database or truncate it, also you should start with 1 not 0.

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Note to all with Free Shipping! that do not want it to show.

I fixed this by just changing the translation in module translations, blockcart, Free shipping! = $0.00

Now even visitor and guest will see $0.00 untill a carrier is selected.

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Hi everybody,


when trying to update from PS to 1.5.4 I got this error:


ajax / server error text status error error thrown jqXHR




I've tried twice and nothing worked... fortunately the website worked fine... however I would like to update it to get the new improvements ;)


Please help!



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  On 4/21/2013 at 11:21 AM, Antakarana said:

Hi everybody,


when trying to update from PS to 1.5.4 I got this error:


ajax / server error text status error error thrown jqXHR




I've tried twice and nothing worked... fortunately the website worked fine... however I would like to update it to get the new improvements ;)


Please help!




I would have waited until is released, or rather - I am waiting myself. Would feel stupid to go over this procedure twice in a (hopefully) short time, as I guess the new version isn't that far away.

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  On 4/22/2013 at 12:11 AM, the.rampage.rado said:

If you think will serve your errors and will 'magically' make flawless 1-click update you're so so wrong.. :)


For me 1-click upgrade itself works, it's just that it comes served with all the bugs people are going on about here. ;)

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