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[UPDATED] 1.5.4 FINAL Available [UPDATED]

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  On 3/28/2013 at 2:02 PM, CUBE-IN said:

try to delete smarty template cache... or set force compile smarty at backoffice...

  On 3/28/2013 at 3:56 PM, tdr170 said:

Have you tried regenerating images under perferences, images, I looked at the site and the links to the image source seem to be incorrect.

Try switching to the standard theme and see if the issue still persist.


I did that all, 5 or 8 times maybe...

For missing product thumbnails this all doesn't work.

No thumbnails on the products grid/list. All the files are uploaded. Reuploading photo and to regenerate images doesnt help either.

I can only see question marks images in place of product thumbnails....

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  On 3/28/2013 at 4:00 PM, tdr170 said:

For those of you with the Free Shipping issue there is a fix and I am not sure why this was not fixed before 1.5.4 was released.


in ..modules/blockcart/ edit the ajax-cart.js file and replace lines 598-601 with the code below.

Be sure and empty you ..cache/smarty/cache and compile folders to be sure this takes effect. (do not remove any index.php)




if (parseFloat(jsonData.shippingCostFloat) == 0 && parseInt(jsonData.nbTotalProducts) >= 0)





I try but nothing ...

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  On 3/28/2013 at 5:14 PM, closeupman said:

when try to run liveedit get:


Page not available


We're sorry, but the Web address you entered is no longer available

To find a product, please type its name in the field below



Also, if try to do guest checkout, guest must SAVE their info before seeing payment choices :(



If you turn off Friendly URL's it should work I have reported this to the Forge but has not been assigned as of yet.



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I just created a test site to try and update a 1.4 site to 1.5.4 and there is no option for 1.5.4 just under More Options.

One click ver. 1.0.13


I also have a 1.5.4 fresh install test site and in that one 1.5.4 shows up in the upgrade but uhhhh I'm already there.



Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Up until now Installed Modules translation listed only probably 1/10 from all modules strings.


Now cahnged to PS_MODE_DEV 'true' and all the string fields are there! (of course the majority of them empty)


This is not helping for BO missing strings (the total amount of strings to be translated is still higher than the available fields to translate).


*Confiremd - when I disable mode_dev it again returns to ~120 strings in Installed module.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 6:30 PM, tdr170 said:

Did you empty your cache and compile folders, also try turning on Force compile and cache off.

It works and I have this on my 1.5.4 test site.



I see ... but on my shop don't work ... i don't know.


hi i try to install 1.5.4 on localhost and it's work ... no free shipping but real price.

after i import a back-up my online store ... and now i see some problem with cart ....

Problem with mysql table?

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Seems in all ways like I got the new version working, however - my backend still shows I am using, despite it being obvious I am using the latest version (I can see the "change date" of the files in FTP, and see some changes etc.). What to do about it?

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Am currently attempting an upgrade to v.1.5.4 from v.1.5.2 on a copy of the shop but even that isn't working properly! I am getting the following error:


[Ajax / Server Error] textStatus: "error" errorThrown:"Internal Server Error" jqXHR: ""

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  On 3/29/2013 at 11:59 AM, RickieSee said:

It doesn't work. How many times do we have to tell you?


Checkout is BROKEN when a user is logged in.


What a disaster. O-hello Magento!



First of all don't be rude we are all here to help and not be made to feel stupid.


Second I asked you if this was a fresh install or an upgrade back on page 10 which you apparently did not see, maybe porpoise did not see the reply either.

In my 1.5.4 (fresh install) checkout all works fine, so at what point does your fail give some info so we can try and reproduce and try and find a solution together.

I am in the process of uploading a 1.4 site to upgrade to 1.5.4 so would be nice to know where your issue was exactly.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 12:24 AM, RickieSee said:

Doesn't work..


Run through the checkout logged in, and not logged in. Go through all variations (5 step cart & so on).


Needs a fix.


My test site: Clean version of prestashop (1.5.3 > 1.5.4) with no real alterations. Out of the box theme.


My test site was 1.5.3>>1.5.4 and my checkout has no problems as far as I can tell. I went through 1 page and 5 step checkout with guest and logged in.


Maybe it's because you upgraded from the original v1.5.3 ? I think that version had issues that were fixed when released shortly after. That could be the reason why.

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Regarding the two users on here talking about images not updating or thumbnails not showing. @Diego Galma seems to have solved it as his website links all show stores with pictures showing correctly. @a_smith, I think that is a template issue because my images loaded fine. Espeically if you cleared the smarty cache, recompiled template files, regenerated thumbnails etc. These are not bugs in the software.


I am curious about the "missing module translations" when I go to my Installed Module Translations I see



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  On 3/29/2013 at 2:03 PM, Porpoise said:

Am currently attempting an upgrade to v.1.5.4 from v.1.5.2 on a copy of the shop but even that isn't working properly! I am getting the following error:


[Ajax / Server Error] textStatus: "error" errorThrown:"Internal Server Error" jqXHR: ""


So, can anybody advise me on how to proceed with the upgrade from v.1.5.2 -> 1.5.4?

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  On 3/29/2013 at 7:12 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Regarding the two users on here talking about images not updating or thumbnails not showing. @Diego Galma seems to have solved it as his website links all show stores with pictures showing correctly. @a_smith, I think that is a template issue because my images loaded fine. Espeically if you cleared the smarty cache, recompiled template files, regenerated thumbnails etc. These are not bugs in the software.


I am curious about the "missing module translations" when I go to my Installed Module Translations I see



Here's what I get in BO translation page:


Also when I enable _PS_MODE_DEV_ I get the normal amount of fields in Installed modules translations (otherwise I get the amount ~120..., probably your screen is the same).

When I disable it again those 2476 disappear and only ~120 are shown (they are different and are missing when _PS_MODE_DEV_ is activated - that's why I said earlier today that my translation stopped working, I simply was trying to translate different string. It's OK, because when I disable it it keeps the proper strings and everything appears to work fine but you should put notice for that somewhere in BO!!!



Edited by the.rampage.rado (see edit history)
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  On 3/29/2013 at 7:19 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

Here's what I get in BO translation page:


Also when I enable _PS_MODE_DEV_ I get the normal amount of fields in Installed modules translations (otherwise I get the amount ~120..., probably your screen is the same).

When I disable it again those 2476 disappear and only ~120 are shown (they are different and are missing when _PS_MODE_DEV_ is activated - that's why I said earlier today that my translation stopped working, I simply was trying to translate different string. It's OK, because when I disable it it keeps the proper strings and everything appears to work fine but you should put notice for that somewhere in BO!!!


Thanks for the detail. Actually mine does not act the same, when I true/false Dev Mod (through the defines.inc.php file) the number is the same.


I wonder what could be the reason for this. I'm on a localhost but I don't see how that can be a problem.

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  On 3/29/2013 at 12:05 PM, Krystian Podemski said:

You know how it is with updates, and yet you update your stores?


Keep doing updates to their copy on another server, always test and then you come back with bugs here, no more crying then...


Thanks Krystian, it's stated everywhere on this forum, and in the official PrestaShop upgrade documentation that all upgrades should be done in a testing environment first. Never upgrade a live store. 1.5.4 was just released and initial testing was made. We are working together to report issues and find resolutions.




  On 3/29/2013 at 7:18 PM, Porpoise said:

So, can anybody advise me on how to proceed with the upgrade from v.1.5.2 -> 1.5.4?


Did you use the one-click upgrade?

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  On 3/29/2013 at 7:52 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Is it doing the same before you upgraded? I assume no, right?



In the list of Installed modules included the 'normal' amount of strings (including FO and BO strings).

Also the number in BO translation totals was correct.

My install is fresh 1.5.4 and now with mode dev false I get inly ~120 strings.

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I noticed that when you install for ex. German as default language, the ID "EN" isn't anymore installing as "must have". Is this new for PS 1.5.4. or simply a bug ?

As known to developers and also CEO, I in the past with PS 1.3. deleted all languages and had only German as unique and default, but this crashed the database after some upgrades, because EN was missing on tables for the health to have the system working! ?


I added it to bug-tracker: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-8553

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Generally this problem if the file defines.inc.php expose define ('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); - it shows all the modules to move as soon as I change to false then displayed for about 15 modules for translation.

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Any estimated date for a fix of what seems to be confirmed bugs etc. in this most recent update? Like or whatever? I am going live with a shop in like 20 days, and would be very glad to know if I should stick with the previous version or if it's worth waiting for another release?


Like 9,9 times out of 10, questions here never have an answer of any sort, but this is in fact a question, not just some rhetorical statement. So please.

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Hi, I tried 1click upgrade from to 1.5.4 final, with some warnings, but working (Testing still in progress).

But one very dangerous thing happens to me. I have active modul Mail alerts with active warnings for stock bellow a limit. And I have a lot of items bellow this limit. Unfortunately, after 1click upgrade the system sent again warnings for all the items bellow limit. It was more than 1000 mails (probably several thousands) and as result my provider placed me on a black list and stopped all my mailings.

So my mail service (SMTP) is not working, now.

(I hope, that after few days he will release me, hopefully)


So, for others - be carefull about it!!

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  On 3/28/2013 at 5:18 PM, a_smith said:

I did that all, 5 or 8 times maybe...

For missing product thumbnails this all doesn't work.

No thumbnails on the products grid/list. All the files are uploaded. Reuploading photo and to regenerate images doesnt help either.

I can only see question marks images in place of product thumbnails....

A possible solution to the product thumbnail issue was posted by Diego Galma on a Spanish-language forum. Thanks to Google Translate I could read it and thought it could be useful to the English-speaking crowd:


Try uninstalling and installing the Plugin Adder module. For some mysterious reason it made the thumbnails display properly on my site.



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So far my opinion about 1.5.4 final is that is stable and very fast, noticeably faster then all other 1.5.x versions, at least 30%. I would recommend that version for starting new shops.


Backward compatibility is again broken with themes for example, because of the new way and new included default languages.


Left column bugs with payment modules is still here.


@Benjamin, please when you send us versions to test, allow at least one week for testing. It is kinda pointless to send us test version and to make it official couple of hours later.

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TAX PROBLEM STILL EXISTS after upgrade to 1.5.4,

I don't know if it's because of upgrade from or problem exists only for products with attributes with price impact.


At least in fresh install without attributes for products calculation is correct.



Another bug: After BO made order, invoice and no information at all about it is available in user profile via FO

Edited by Tomin (see edit history)
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Product accessories doesn't work. To make it work, I have to alter product.tpl (line 543)



{if ($accessory.allow_oosp || $accessory.quantity_all_versions > 0)



{if ($accessory.allow_oosp || $accessory.quantity > 0)


Seems to work. Anybody know what is "$accessory.quantity_all_versions"? since I don't see it's being used anywhere else.

Edited by Suthichai (see edit history)
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I don't know what happened, but my post I've already wrote as extra topic is "invisible", so I add it again here:


It is not possible to install PS 1.5.4. with default-language/installer set to Portuguese.


Installer stops at 50%. See report on bug-tracker



The only way to install is Englisch and than add Portuguese language.


There is also again an UTF-8 problem on installer scripts


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  On 3/30/2013 at 2:52 PM, Bocko said:

Any estimated date for a fix of what seems to be confirmed bugs etc. in this most recent update?

Like 9,9 times out of 10, questions here never have an answer of any sort, but this is in fact a question, not just some rhetorical statement. So please.


Hi Bocko, I'll give you the 1% chance answer. No Estimated date. ;) We work hard everyday in making PrestaShop the best Ecommerce solution on the market. I will certainly let the forum know if there is an estimated release date, or once it is released.


  On 3/30/2013 at 5:36 PM, pave said:

Hi, I tried 1click upgrade from to 1.5.4 final, with some warnings, but working (Testing still in progress)


Hi pave, I don't recommend using as a base for an upgrade to 1.5.4. Did you build your store on You may run into problems later, but continue testing. I would rather see an upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5.4.

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  On 4/1/2013 at 4:56 PM, cd2500 said:

I don't know what happened, but my post I've already wrote as extra topic is "invisible", so I add it again here:


It is not possible to install PS 1.5.4. with default-language/installer set to Portuguese.


Installer stops at 50%. See report on bug-tracker


Interesting, thanks for the heads up. I will try it myself and see what happens. By the way, where did you post the original? I could not find anyone that was marked invisible?

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  On 4/2/2013 at 2:07 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

Enable mode dev and re-translate all missing strings


Thanks the.rampage.rado, after you translate the missing strings and you turn Dev Mode to "false". The translations are still active but not seen in the Translations section?


If that's the case, then it would be a temporary solution right?


Thanks for the info.

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Benjamin, what about tax problem, which still exists in 1.5.4? And Total incl tax and tax calculation after voucher added?


sorry, but PS still seems to be unusable *&^%^%$ at the moment. RC3 for testing just for few hours.... omg...

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  On 4/1/2013 at 6:23 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:


Hi Bocko, I'll give you the 1% chance answer. No Estimated date. ;) We work hard everyday in making PrestaShop the best Ecommerce solution on the market. I will certainly let the forum know if there is an estimated release date, or once it is released.




Hi pave, I don't recommend using as a base for an upgrade to 1.5.4. Did you build your store on You may run into problems later, but continue testing. I would rather see an upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5.4.


Hi Benjamin, can you specify please, which kind of problems can I expect? The is my llive shop version, it was in this time the only version with Advanced stock management available. I had o lot of problems :-(, 1.5.4 seems much better so far, so I plan finish my tests in 1-2 weeks and go to 1.5.4 in live shop after this. If you have any idea about problematic areas, I would like to focus my testing to this areas.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 3:34 PM, Tomin said:

Benjamin, what about tax problem, which still exists in 1.5.4? And Total incl tax and tax calculation after voucher added?


sorry, but PS still seems to be unusable *&^%^%$ at the moment. RC3 for testing just for few hours.... omg...


Hi Tomin, you don't have to be sorry. Link me to the forge bug reports and I'll do my best to get them fixed asap.



  On 4/2/2013 at 3:58 PM, pave said:

Hi Benjamin, can you specify please, which kind of problems can I expect?


I don't know really. In the end it's better that you are on 1.5.4 than If your products are showing correctly, and your payment is processing, that's pretty important, and for many people that is enough. Next time a software releases a major new version, or any version, it's best to first test, instead of creating a live store off of it. You'll be fine, just report your issues to the forge bug tracker, and post questions on the forum. It can be frustrating at times but there are many willing people and team members able to help. Thank you!


  On 4/2/2013 at 3:06 PM, Sr.Colas said:

It's me or this version is 10x slowest than 1.5.2 ?


Given the information you've provided. It's just you. At least for me and a couple other people on this thread, it's actually fast as ever.

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  On 4/1/2013 at 6:26 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Interesting, thanks for the heads up. I will try it myself and see what happens. By the way, where did you post the original? I could not find anyone that was marked invisible?


Here in the same forum for PS 1.5. on 29th March. I can search for it, but cannot see it listed on the date.


Any hint for this problem ? http://www.prestasho...ost__p__1163683


Is it a new feature, or simply a installer bug. Isn't English anymore standard language and automatic installed ?

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I'm trying to re-translate everything. I can't do it over the BO, because of 1000 limit for max_input_vars. (I tried to override the php.ini, but didn't work :( )


So I'm trying to translate the corresponding language files. I tried to translate modules/blockcart/translations/[langcode].php

But its not working, the translations are not appearing on the website.


Are the module translations moved somewhere?




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  On 4/2/2013 at 5:57 PM, jos0405 said:

I'm trying to re-translate everything. I can't do it over the BO, because of 1000 limit for max_input_vars. (I tried to override the php.ini, but didn't work :( )


  On 4/2/2013 at 6:24 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

@WorkingPS - did you try turning on mode dev and see if it fixes the issue for you?


dev mode won't help. jos0405 must ask host provider to change php setting

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  On 4/2/2013 at 6:26 PM, Tomin said:


dev mode won't help. jos0405 must ask host provider to change php setting


Thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunatly this is not an option right now.


I really like to know how where are the translations files. I really don't mid translating the files directly. Any tips plz?

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  On 4/2/2013 at 6:40 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

Do it yourself


Go to config/defines.inc.php and on line 28 change define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); to true


Check if it works for the missing translation fields, if it doesn't revert back to false




1. Dev mode is active, BUT

2. I cannot translate in BO, due to var max limit = 1000, and there is no way to change it. (Hosting attitude isse)


So I would like to go old school, change the files directly. But the files in modules/blockcart/translations/ are not changing the translation. SO WHERE ARE THE FILES?

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  On 4/2/2013 at 7:28 PM, jos0405 said:

As I wrote - there is no way to lift the limit.

Why can't i change the files?


Regarding the max_vars_input limit, an option to change this would be to change it via a local host. That way you can enter the translations locally, and then transfer the translation file to your real live store via FTP. This will correctly show the changes.



  On 4/2/2013 at 7:28 PM, WorkingPS said:

but when change false to true for dev what change?


WorkingPS, there is an issue with the upgrade to 1.5.4. Sometimes the "Installed Modules" translations file is missing some fields. The behavior around this issue is to enable Dev Mode to True, this will correctly show all the Translation Fields. Then, once your complete the translation, you can turn Dev Mode to False.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 7:47 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

@jos0405 - if your host doesn't allow you to lift these limits change it. It's ridiculous ....


Yes, you should already be changing host, they should at the very least lift it temporarily. Huge red flags right there. This is what some hosts do when their clients need something simple. They try and make it seem like it's the end of the world for them, and that in order for them to to do it, you need to pay for a more expensive hosting plan. Bad news.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 8:03 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Yes, you should already be changing host, they should at the very least lift it temporarily. Huge red flags right there. This is what some hosts do when their clients need something simple. They try and make it seem like it's the end of the world for them, and that in order for them to to do it, you need to pay for a more expensive hosting plan. Bad news.


Thanks, for all the responses, I'll try to deal with the hosting provider. I wish there would be an easier way.

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WorkingPS, there is an issue with the upgrade to 1.5.4. Sometimes the "Installed Modules" translations file is missing some fields. The behavior around this issue is to enable Dev Mode to True, this will correctly show all the Translation Fields. Then, once your complete the translation, you can turn Dev Mode to False.


Hi Benjamin, I realy appreciate your help.


After upgrade from 1.5.3. (test version of our new shop) to 1.5.4. I have same problem as another users with Modules transaltion.

I know that I can solve it by changing setting DEV_mode on true.


It works but can you simply explain if we can left it in true status for all time ?


What effect this setting ?


It is´t user friendly to edit defines.inc.php when I need edit something in transalation.


Thx for reply





And here is My own response - with DEV_mode on true shop doesn´t work (see attachment). So I can selling or I can edit translation :-(. I´m afraid that this bug will discourage lot of new potencial prestashop users.





Edited by cendaprnda (see edit history)
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  On 4/3/2013 at 8:24 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Zdeněk, try to set the Dev mode to true, edit your translations fully, and then turn Dev mode back to False... Let me know if the translations stay on your store.


Hi Benjamin,


when I set Dev mode to true I can do transalation and changes will appear in Front Office after turn Dev mode back to False. But problem is that our shop is unavalaible for customers for shopping when we Update translation with Dev mode true.



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  On 4/2/2013 at 4:07 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:


Given the information you've provided. It's just you. At least for me and a couple other people on this thread, it's actually fast as ever.


I have a 4x3hgz @ 8 GB Server, i have installed few prestashop shops there (4.2,4.7 and 1.5.2) all works very fast, 1.5.2 is the fastest , i install this last build from scratch and with the demo products i'm getting about 6 Secs for page loading , btw backend works fine and fast, no error or warning if a i set MODE DEV to true

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  On 4/4/2013 at 12:46 PM, jos0405 said:

Hi Ben,

I managed to change the hosting parameters to max var =10.000 so everything is fine.




After setting DEV to TRUE, I still get "There are no active modules in this copy of PrestaShop. Please use the Modules page to activate, or visit the PrestaShop Addons Store to download them." for my custom theme. In default I can see the translations.


Guys never mind, I'm stupid, everything is fine :)

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  On 4/4/2013 at 8:57 AM, cendaprnda said:
Hi Benjamin, when I set Dev mode to true I can do transalation and changes will appear in Front Office after turn Dev mode back to False. But problem is that our shop is unavalaible for customers for shopping when we Update translation with Dev mode true. Zdeněk


Hi Zdnek,


You should copy your store to a test domain or localhost. Then you can complete the translations and upload them back into your live store.


I got confirmation that the Developing team is currently working on various translation issues, including this one.

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Yes I did, but unfortunately I realized it's not the only bug and just a puzzle. :(

Currently the best way really is to change PS_MODE_DEV to true, because using the Controller from doesn't seem to display every itme, which, by the way, is the same behaviour in Switch from true to false - and there's half of the items missing in and nearly 1000 in 1.5.4.


A real strange behaviour, but the explanation is that in case of 'true' each module of every installed theme will be displayed as module of the default theme. E.g. if you have installed 3 themes the module appears 3 times as default theme module - in But in my test installation of 1.5.4 there's just the default theme intalled.

And the sort order is correct ... Scary ...

Edited by eleazar (see edit history)
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  On 4/4/2013 at 8:09 PM, eleazar said:

Currently the best way really is to change PS_MODE_DEV to true,


I agree... I would not recommend that you switch the admintranslationscontroller.php . The Development team is working on various translations errors and will be solving this one as well. In the mean time, the best way to go about this issue is to either complete the translations on a local host and then upload it to your live store. Or temporarily turn Dev_mode to True and translate the files.

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Strange... I'm not having any of these problems with translations mentioned in here on my PS 1.5.4.


I've installed it in English, imported the German language pack and all is running well. I have no limits on translations lines nowhwere. The defines.inc.php is set to


/* Debug only */
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
if (_PS_MODE_DEV_)


(by default install). I've never had this on any install set by default to false ?! Perhaps others have other settings as I on installer ?


So the hint is to install ENGLISH and than add translation pack instead to make any changes on files which can affect also other files/features... Or it's a server problem ?

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  On 4/5/2013 at 6:58 AM, cd2500 said:

(by default install). I've never had this on any install set by default to false ?! Perhaps others have other settings as I on installer ?


Nope, also by changing to false I have no problems with line restrictions for any translation. I can translate as usual. So only two possibilities: It's really a server configuration problem what others are having, or it is the way of install.


I installed English, checked on the DB settings page the dev option and than installed normally as usual.


Whith this I can translate as usual and have all modules listed as usual and no problems on anything. PS_MODE_DEV false or true does not make any difference for me. Not on BO not on FO.





As any of my install on testserver, also this one is available for Prestashop Developer Team for to play with it, if needed. Log-in details as usual on per request.

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  On 4/4/2013 at 10:09 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

I agree... I would not recommend that you switch the admintranslationscontroller.php . The Development team is working on various translations errors and will be solving this one as well. In the mean time, the best way to go about this issue is to either complete the translations on a local host and then upload it to your live store. Or temporarily turn Dev_mode to True and translate the files.


Hi Benjamin,


I think that best reply on question about trasnaltion is:


We know about this issue and now we´re working to fix this problem. Till now you have 2 possibilites turn Dev_mode on true or you can do translation on local host.


For me its best reply becouse now I know that itsn´t final state and I you´ll fit this problem :-)





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  On 4/5/2013 at 7:30 AM, cendaprnda said:

Hi Benjamin,


I think that best reply on question about trasnaltion is:


We know about this issue and now we´re working to fix this problem. Till now you have 2 possibilites turn Dev_mode on true or you can do translation on local host.


For me its best reply becouse now I know that itsn´t final state and I you´ll fit this problem :-)






Well, as you can see on my both reports before, I'm not having the problem you are reporting... So only two possibilities: The way PS was installed or some server settings or restrictions are causing the problems mentioned.


Also not by installing a new theme COMPATIBLE TO PS 1.5.4. (and this should be the problem !) I'm having the problems mentioned here. By the way involved SVN's tester know that old themes inherit PS 1.5.X are not working with the upgrade version, so I don't test any PS 1.5.X with themes of an older PS 1.5. X version. This fails in 99% .


ADD: I've now tested also with an imported Theme of PS and also no problems with imported themes on translations:



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@WorkingPS - this does not answer your question ?


  On 4/2/2013 at 7:47 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

WorkingPS, there is an issue with the upgrade to 1.5.4. Sometimes the "Installed Modules" translations file is missing some fields. The behavior around this issue is to enable Dev Mode to True, this will correctly show all the Translation Fields. Then, once your complete the translation, you can turn Dev Mode to False.

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Yes sure, Benjamin reply good me but @Eleazar find the problem on file AdminTranslationsController.php and when i change it now working fine. Only ask for know problem at Support but not reply me on Prestashop Issue Tracker so i wait for reply or new realease will fix problem ;)

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OK. I don't know why the post isn't available anymore. From what I understand Benjamin does not welcome any change on this core file like suggested, because it implicates in other problems. But I'm not sure. Only he can answer this and why he unapproved the topics.


There are also several users having no one problem with modules and translations. I'm one of the lucky one, and several developers on Brazilian Forum also, not having any problems (Brazilian language isn't yet translated in 100%, so each user has to do them by himself). Nobody is reporting any problems, also not with from PS imported themes to PS 1.5.4.


Perhaps the issues are coming from bad configured servers or servers not suitable for PS 1.5.4. I cannot say. Presta Team is working on all reports. But step by step. Give them some time to localize and clear the problems...

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Thanks for help.

I know this and i follow Benjamin.

Now i return to original file of translation and change false to true same Benjamin tell.

Waiting a fix of this problem.

I know some have this problem and some not have this problem but i see more have this problem and wait for know problem.


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  On 4/4/2013 at 8:09 PM, eleazar said:

Currently the best way really is to change PS_MODE_DEV


That is correct.


I unapproved the posts that suggested to replace the 1.5.4 admintranslationcontroller.php to the file. Yes, it will enable you to complete the translations but you would need to change the file back once we update it. If you are having this bug, the safest way will always involve steps that don't require a change of .php file. We are working on a fix that will update this file and others. Replacing the file will also cause other problems, so I unapproved it.

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@ WorkingPS - You know that you also can translate by FTP ? Which language ? Perhaps the language package of your language is already translated in 100% and you need only to make some adaptations. This one you can do via FTP by opening the language.php file of the respective module with an editor. Let me know more details, perhaps I can help you.


@ Benjamin - Thxs for the enlightenment on this "magic disappearance"

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I imported the Italian language for the Front Office and Back Office but different translations have changed for the Back Office. In the front office is all ok as translations, the problem was just that I could not access the translations of the modules from the back office and in fact only a form I can run that would block the newsletter but yesterday I discovered that disabling the class of the blowfish encryption it works perfectly but it is not a safe move off the class blowfish. My shift was from to 1.5.4 after I imported the front office and everything is ok but the back office have changed several translations and translations of errors front office that I am going back to translate after losing time 2 months ago.

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What I understand from what you wrote here, your shop is an upgrade ?


When not all lines are shown so the problem is a server setting. Try to upgrade the following values on your SERVER php.ini. If you do not have access to this, so please contact your provider and ask him to adapt the values.


max_input_vars = 3000
suhosin.post.max_vars = 10000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 10000


Other possibility of don't have access to the modules (white page) is a module not compatible with PS 1.5.4. You had a white page ?


For the second, If you have own translations or adaptations made, so it is better to save them before you upgrade or import a language pack. Otherwise it is correct that you will loose all adaptations made.

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I have imported the language after the upgrade and the Front Office's okay. Back to the office instead I lost several translations and the problem is in the module Newsletter block that does not record the translations and does not show the confirmation messages and error but disabling the Blowfish class it works.

If I set these settings to my Hosting Now I lose something?

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