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[UPDATED] 1.5.4 FINAL Available [UPDATED]

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Now I can't install (3) get this error message Cannot install language "English (English)"





  • Create settings.inc file
  • Create database tables
  • Create default shop and languages
    • Cannot install language "English (English)"


An error occured during installation...


You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by
Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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  On 3/26/2013 at 9:25 PM, tdr170 said:

Now I can't install (3) get this error message Cannot install language "English (English)"




  • Create settings.inc file
  • Create database tables
  • Create default shop and languages
    • Cannot install language "English (English)"


An error occured during installation...



You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by




Is that the version that you downloaded? or the version that I sent you?

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I have update from to 1.5.4 and have this error:


[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`: Can't DROP 'product_sqlstock'; check that column/key exists


The TAG link don't display a list of article.


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Hi Microsoul,


Sorry for this. This error should not prevent you from upgrading as so far.


The faulty line is in /install/upgrade/sql/


ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`;


Remove this line in this file if you want to get rid of it, but again this is just a warning, it should not impact your upgrade.


But the tag link issue is another real issue that we will fix asap. (fix here https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/92ad9120746c07b7734e8f5059b6565780c0a324)


Best regards

Edited by Gregory Roussac (see edit history)
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  On 3/26/2013 at 9:45 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hello, try it with the version you download here, http://www.prestashop.com/en/download

  On 3/26/2013 at 9:45 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hello, try it with the version you download here, http://www.prestashop.com/en/download




The install went fine with the downloaded version, however there is an issue with Live edit.

With Friendly URL's enabled I get a 404 page not found if I turn it off Live Edit functions properly.

Friendly URL's work fine in the rest of the FO.

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EDIT - found the problem! Need to uncheck the CCC options, in addition to force compile on the templates. I only forced compile and turned of cache, but that wasn't enough.


I created a test shop in another directory and MySql database to try the upgrade from to On two different servers, the overrides I have working on do not work. It looks like the overrides are not being processed. As an example I have an override to accommodate added fields in the ps_customer table. This is in prestashop/override/classes/Customer.php which works fine in, but has no effect in


My custom theme based on the default template has empty fields where in the data is displayed.


* Rhapsody created from of customer.php
* Adds custom fields definitions
* spouse, yachtclub, boat, model, sailnum, phrfspin, phrfnonspin
****** */

class Customer extends CustomerCore
/** @var string spouse - add for spouse name */
public   $spouse;
/** @var string yachtclub - add for YC name*/
public   $yachtclub;
/** @var string boat - add for boat name*/
public   $boat;
/** @var string model - add for boat model*/
public   $model;
/** @var string sailnum - add for sail number*/
public   $sailnum;
/** @var integer phrfspin - add for PHRF spinnaker*/
public   $phrfspin;
/** @var integer phrfnonspin - add for PHRF non-spinnaker*/
public   $phrfnonspin;
public static $definition = array(
 'table' => 'customer',
 'primary' => 'id_customer',
 'fields' => array(
  'secure_key' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isMd5', 'copy_post' => false),
  'lastname' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 32),
  'firstname' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 32),
  'email' =>	   array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isEmail', 'required' => true, 'size' => 128),
  'passwd' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isPasswd', 'required' => true, 'size' => 32),
  'last_passwd_gen' =>   array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'copy_post' => false),
  'id_gender' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'),
  'birthday' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isBirthDate'),
  'newsletter' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool'),
  'newsletter_date_add' =>  array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE,'copy_post' => false),
  'ip_registration_newsletter' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'copy_post' => false),
  'optin' =>	   array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool'),
  'website' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isUrl'),
  'company' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName'),
  'siret' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isSiret'),
  'ape' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isApe'),
  'outstanding_allow_amount' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isFloat', 'copy_post' => false),
  'show_public_prices' =>   array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'copy_post' => false),
  'id_risk' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt', 'copy_post' => false),
  'max_payment_days' =>   array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt', 'copy_post' => false),
  'active' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'copy_post' => false),
  'deleted' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'copy_post' => false),
  'note' =>	   array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'validate' => 'isCleanHtml', 'size' => 65000, 'copy_post' => false),
  'is_guest' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'copy_post' => false),
  'id_shop' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'copy_post' => false),
  'id_shop_group' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'copy_post' => false),
  'id_default_group' =>	array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'copy_post' => false),
  'date_add' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate', 'copy_post' => false),
  'date_upd' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate', 'copy_post' => false),
  'spouse' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName'),
  'yachtclub' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName'),
  'boat' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName'),
  'model' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName'),
  'sailnum' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName'),
  'phrfspin' =>	  array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'),
  'phrfnonspin' =>	 array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'),

Edited by Rhapsody (see edit history)
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This new release might mess things up a little, with my scheduled opening of a new webshop. Remains to see if the developer of the theme (which was supposed to be released last night) makes the new version of his theme based on this current version.

I am like 90% done with it by now, and it would be a sad thing to see some "issues" ruin everything.


Would it be possible to get a list of all updated files, and perhaps some "version specific" suggestions how to perform the update - to avoid any problems? Would be sad to let all work with it go down the drain, and equally sad to introduce a webshop outdated already when it's launched. Any new version with bug fixes etc. planned for the next few days? Would be very glad if I could finish this webshop thing during Easter.

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Same error when updating:


[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`: Can't DROP 'product_sqlstock'; check that column/key exists


I use spanish language And too many translations lost.

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I've updated to 1.5.4. Everything went well. But my SEO URL rewriting isn't working, because I've played with it when using What are the default URL rewrite settings in the backoffice?

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Ok, I have update with 1-Click my Prestashop 1.5.3 to Prestashop 1.5.4 Spanish Language.


Some translations are missging and I try to import Spanish Language going to Localization > Translations > Update a language


But I give this error:






Property Tab->name is empty

at line 874 in file classes/ObjectModel.php



869. $message = $this->validateField($field, $value, $id_lang);

870. if ($message !== true)

871. {

872. if ($die)

873. throw new PrestaShopException($message);

874. return $error_return ? $message : false;

875. }

876. }

877. }


  • ObjectModelCore->validateFieldsLang - [line 306 - classes/ObjectModel.php] - [0 Argument]
  • ObjectModelCore->getFieldsLang - [line 637 - classes/ObjectModel.php] - [0 Argument]
  • ObjectModelCore->update - [line 478 - classes/Tab.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • TabCore->update - [line 599 - controllers/admin/AdminTranslationsController.php] - [0 Argument]
  • AdminTranslationsControllerCore::addNewTabs - [line 812 - classes/Language.php] - [2 Arguments]
  • LanguageCore::downloadAndInstallLanguagePack - [line 298 - classes/LocalizationPack.php] - [2 Arguments]
  • LocalizationPackCore->_installLanguages - [line 74 - classes/LocalizationPack.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • LocalizationPackCore->loadLocalisationPack - [line 168 - controllers/admin/AdminLocalizationController.php] - [2 Arguments]
  • AdminLocalizationControllerCore->postProcess - [line 158 - classes/controller/Controller.php] - [0 Argument]
  • ControllerCore->run - [line 349 - classes/Dispatcher.php] - [0 Argument]
  • DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 50 - admin-dev/index.php] - [0 Argument]


Reported on : http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-8489

Edited by dwilden (see edit history)
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just one error when do one click upgrade from



[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`: Can't DROP 'product_sqlstock'; check that column/key exists


Warning detected during upgrade.



just check on forge theres a fix but i dont know how to do it :






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  On 3/27/2013 at 12:22 PM, fosg2000 said:

just one error when do one click upgrade from



[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`: Can't DROP 'product_sqlstock'; check that column/key exists




This is not a blocking error, your upgrade should overcome this issue (http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/230149-updated-154-final-available-updated/page__view__findpost__p__1158775).


The autoupgrade module has been updated (v 1.0.13) and it should update your languages automatically after upgrading to (http://addons.presta...utoupgrade.html)


Best regards

Edited by Gregory Roussac (see edit history)
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Did an auto-upgrade through installatron as well. It gave me the following error:


Technical error:

Error: FileSystem::mv() -


All the product images and the toplogo are now gone in the FO and BO.


I am restoring back to 1.5.3 at the moment, see if it restores the images as well.


Anyone else has this problem? or a way to fix it?


thanks in advance

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  On 3/27/2013 at 2:30 PM, Gregory Roussac said:



This is not a blocking error, your upgrade should overcome this issue (http://www.prestasho...ost__p__1158775).


The autoupgrade module has been updated (v 1.0.13) and it should update your languages automatically after upgrading to (http://addons.presta...utoupgrade.html)


Best regards



how may i fix this ?

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Errors while upgrading to


[ERROR] SQL 1265 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL: Data truncated for column 'delivery_option' at row 1

[ERROR] SQL 1265 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT NOT NULL: Data truncated for column 'delivery_option' at row 1

Warning detected during upgrade.


Reported Here:


Edited by Ulisses Ramos (see edit history)
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Tried the autoupgrade from to 1.5.4 /after upgrading the 1-click module) but I got a error...

It was like the new version was too old for the upgrade... =_=

I just restored my backup.

And I'll wait for a fix or I'll try a manual update.

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  On 3/27/2013 at 3:59 PM, nandotx said:

Why is this version no longer has a choice whether we want to install sample content or not?



Look to your modules section there is a new module called PS Cleaner this will remove all the Demo products, Orders, customers and more.

My best guess is that with this module PS feels that option is obsolete.

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  On 3/27/2013 at 2:30 PM, Gregory Roussac said:



This is not a blocking error, your upgrade should overcome this issue (http://www.prestasho...ost__p__1158775).


The autoupgrade module has been updated (v 1.0.13) and it should update your languages automatically after upgrading to (http://addons.presta...utoupgrade.html)


Best regards




It still loses all the module translations.


Plus some elements of back office are not translated too.

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  On 3/27/2013 at 5:42 PM, Gregory Roussac said:

Please go in back office Localization > Translations and try to update your languages.


Best regards


I do not want you to dubious translation but I maintain that the translation that was there before the upgrade .... Your update destroy several months work ...

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The majority of the strings are OK but as we saw in this topic (and it's confirmed by one of the developers) many lines are lost due to English errors.


If you try to import translation in 1.5.4 shop it will give you error so you have to either manually update or relay on Prestashop's 1.5.4 translations from their server then edit them as you want...

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  On 3/27/2013 at 7:39 PM, Krystian Podemski said:

I hope that was a joke? If there is such a small disaster if custom store translations will not work...


People. Keep doing backups yourself, not only by autoupgrade module.


I have my own backup, import language but nothing changes ... It is to defeat

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Did a "1-Click Upgrade" today from to


Everything works fine except:


1. Translations missing

2. Modules are missing in Translations for Modules.


110 Modules but approx. 30 is in "Translation for Modules".


How to have them back?





Edited by edsteffe (see edit history)
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An update from 1531 to 154 via 1 click module went smooth end quickly with no errors....


but now I have lost products thumbnails and whats worst when I go to the main page (start page) instead of the site content I see indexes (file list on the server). If I refresh yhe page the prestashop main page gets loaded.If I browse and comeback to the main page, presta show files index on the server again....


I have checked this on 3 diferent machines. Browser chache/history/cookies and presta cache had been cleared off. It didnt help.


I have checked the files. All files has been uploaded. Index.php files are in place.... I had to disable the shop now to stop people seeing my files on the server. Oh gosh.... story named Prestashop continue..... again


Any idea dear prestashop team????

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  On 3/27/2013 at 10:48 PM, a_smith said:

Any idea dear prestashop team????



I would check DirectoryIndex directive in Apache tio see if it points to index.php, or try to regenerate htaccess in SEO part in back office.


  On 3/27/2013 at 9:56 PM, Diego Galma said:

How can I fix?


Maybe you can try to regenerate your images in back office if products images are still available in back office. The module should have back up images too in /admin/autoupgrade/backup/ . Please always manually back up everything before touching to your site. The warning in the module is there to remind you that this is required. Please guys back up before upgrading.


Sorry people we can not deturn/divert the post subject and give support to everyone on this post. I hope you understand.


Best regards

Edited by Gregory Roussac (see edit history)
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  On 3/27/2013 at 10:59 PM, Gregory Roussac said:



I would check DirectoryIndex directive in Apache tio see if it points to index.php, or try to regenerate htaccess in SEO part in back

I did both. DirectoryIndex is off and it does points to index.php.

index.php does exist on the server

I deleted and regeneretad htaccess file

manually deleted the files from smarty cache folders and img/tmp folder

I regenerated all images

refreshed browser cache



now dont see the files index but I permanently lost products thumbnails on the product list/grid. Even if I regenerate them and and force compile is on, all I see is default photos (question mark).

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Doesn't work..


Run through the checkout logged in, and not logged in. Go through all variations (5 step cart & so on).


Needs a fix.


My test site: Clean version of prestashop (1.5.3 > 1.5.4) with no real alterations. Out of the box theme.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 1:47 AM, prestanesia said:

set the _PS_MODE_DEV_ to true in config/defines.inc.php and open the tab module again to see the error message in detail.


set define ('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); and still at the opening of white page = (

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  On 3/28/2013 at 2:01 AM, prestanesia said:


thats weird. if youre using cpanel is there any information on error log ? you can check the error_log file on root or admin folder.



IP - - [28/Mar/2013:09:06:38 +0700] "GET /admindb/index.php?controller=AdminModules&token=0a6b4e1bf235557a99d8e66e17ba1e4c HTTP/1.0" 500 23 "http://lcmarket.ru/admindb/index.php?controller=AdminInformation&token=ced73925e5ef7db48161391ca7986a91" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/25.0.1364.172 Safari/537.22"

IP - - [28/Mar/2013:09:06:40 +0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 175 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/25.0.1364.172 Safari/537.22" - - [28/Mar/2013:09:06:43 +0700] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 175 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexMetrika/2.0; +http://yandex.com/bots mon3)"

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  On 3/28/2013 at 8:06 AM, Gregory Roussac said:

off ?


I meant that the server is set up not to show the files and folders list via browser if there is no index file.


some products images gone, site logo gone too. I reuploaded all images again, recreated them - no change.

layout gets messed up, images with the question marks beeing show instead of the products images.... this software is a pure nightmare. 15 years in the ecommerce, I have used almost all possible shopping carts out there. No other gave me so many troubles like prestashop.

Edited by a_smith (see edit history)
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I would be happy to retranslate all the modules again, if it would be possible somehow.

When I open a module and go to the translation by clicking on the flag, I get no strings. (0 strings to be translated)


Plz help me how could I do the translations again.




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I like Prestashop, as it's a free and pretty active alternative. What I don't like however, is that you'll be 100% certain it will mess things up in EVERY update. Guess I'll change to something else more stable when I can afford it. I would like to keep using it, but I don't have time and nerves to keep using something that NEVER works "out of the box".


Now to my input here: It feels like all these new releases are pretty "premature", like they haven't been tested at all in different environments and with no other themes than the standard one. I mean, despite being free - quite some people are more or less dependent on this thing working, and many people are having quite a lot of problems each time a new update comes along.


I tried to find a "changelog", stating exactly what files have been changed. And I asked for it too, but as far as I can see - I've had no replies whatsoever. Knowing this, it would be a whole lot easier to just try it and "rollback". I wouldn't even think of trying it through the backend, like on every other system I have ever used.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 9:41 AM, jos0405 said:

I don't mind retranslating those modules, that are missing.

My problem is, that main modules, like blockcart, blockuserinfo cannot be translated, therefore LOGIN and CART is now in english.


Exactly the same stuff here. I have ticket for this in the forge will see what's going on.
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On some pages/links/thumbnails/banners, if I cklick them, instead of the requested page I am getting grey question mark on the middle of the screen.....


If I refresh the screen or do F5 I the content being loaded properly.

Strange is that if I click on to the original link again I am getting grey question mark but sometimes the content gets loaded up properly stright away.


I reuploaded images,cleaned cache, regenerated images, regenerated .htaccess.. etc



another problem is that product list and grid thumbnails doesnt show up. I have all grey question marks instead. Images on product page are ok. Regenerate images doesnt help. Images are on the server.


any ideas?

Edited by a_smith (see edit history)
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  On 3/28/2013 at 1:21 PM, RickieSee said:

Shopping cart does not work when a user is logged in. You're all losing money folks!



I have the same problem, after updating my cart is missing!! I use Instant Checkout for my customers.



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  On 3/28/2013 at 1:21 PM, RickieSee said:

Shopping cart does not work when a user is logged in. You're all losing money folks!


Was this an upgrade or a fresh install, I just checked on a fresh install and have no issues with cart whether logged in or not.

Can you elaborate a little more so we can try to reproduce your error.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 3:25 PM, tdr170 said:

Was this an upgrade or a fresh install, I just checked on a fresh install and have no issues with cart whether logged in or not.

Can you elaborate a little more so we can try to reproduce your error.




Of course!! In my case I've upgraded from v. fresh install to v.1.5.4 via one click update, I have installed a theme from Prestadesigner with very little changes, and I've activated the guest instant checkout.


I've restarted and configured again the module blockcart, installed one from previous version, and checked its positions in the hooks, but still missing.


Thanks in advance!!

Edited by acutbal (see edit history)
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all files has been upgraded. Now upgrading database. this can take a while ...




[OK] PHP : /* PHP:update_customer_default_group(); */


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_meta` SET `page` = 'supplier' WHERE `page` = 'supply'


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_image_type` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD `id_lang` INT UNSIGNED NULL AFTER `id_default_group`: Duplicate column name 'id_lang'


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_customer` SET id_lang = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE name = 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' LIMIT 1)


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_customer` c, `ps_orders` o SET c.id_lang = o.id_lang WHERE c.id_customer = o.id_customer


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_quick_access` SET `link` = 'index.php?controller=AdminCartRules&addcart_rule' WHERE `link` = 'index.php?tab=AdminDiscounts&adddiscount'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_cart_rule` ADD `free_shipping` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `value_tax_excl`: Duplicate column name 'free_shipping'


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_cart_rule` ocr, `ps_cart_rule` cr SET ocr.free_shipping = 1 WHERE ocr.id_cart_rule = cr.id_cart_rule AND cr.free_shipping = 1


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_orders` o, `ps_order_cart_rule` ocr SET o.`total_discounts` = o.total_discounts + o.`total_shipping_tax_incl`, o.`total_discounts_tax_incl` = o.`total_discounts_tax_incl` + o.`total_shipping_tax_incl`, o.`total_discounts_tax_excl` = o.`total_discounts_tax_excl` + o.`total_shipping_tax_excl` WHERE o.id_order = ocr.id_order AND ocr.free_shipping = 1


[ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_tab_module_preference` ( `id_tab_module_preference` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_employee` int(11) NOT NULL, `id_tab` int(11) NOT NULL, `module` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_tab_module_preference`), UNIQUE KEY `employee_module` (`id_employee`, `id_tab`, `module`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_tab_module_preference' already exists


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:add_new_tab(AdminMarketing, es:Marketing|it:Marketing|en:Marketing|de:Marketing|fr:Marketing, 1); */


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` ADD UNIQUE `product_sqlstock` (`id_product`, `id_product_attribute`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`)


[OK] SQL UPDATE ps_configuration SET `value` = '8388608' WHERE `name` = 'PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_MAX_SIZE' AND `value` <= '524288'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_guest` ADD `mobile_theme` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0: Duplicate column name 'mobile_theme'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD `mobile_theme` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `gift_message`: Duplicate column name 'mobile_theme'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD `mobile_theme` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `gift_message`: Duplicate column name 'mobile_theme'


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_address` CHANGE `phone` `phone` varchar(32) default NULL


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_address` CHANGE `phone_mobile` `phone_mobile` varchar(32) default NULL


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:update_genders_images(); */


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_customer` SET `id_gender` = 1 WHERE `email` LIKE 'pub@prestashop.com' AND `id_customer` = 1 AND `id_gender` = 4


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_cart_rule_carrier` crc INNER JOIN `ps_carrier` c ON crc.`id_carrier` = c.`id_carrier` SET crc.`id_carrier` = c.`id_reference`


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_payment` SET `order_reference` = LPAD(order_reference, 9 , '0')


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:p1540_add_missing_columns(); */


Update Db Ok


files setting update


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty/cache/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty/compile/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty_v2/cache/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty_v2/compile/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.



does not appear in the admin tab of the module - opens a blank white page and no debugger shows no errors

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  On 3/28/2013 at 1:54 PM, Diego Galma said:








Have you tried regenerating images under perferences, images, I looked at the site and the links to the image source seem to be incorrect.

Try switching to the standard theme and see if the issue still persist.

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For those of you with the Free Shipping issue there is a fix and I am not sure why this was not fixed before 1.5.4 was released.


in ..modules/blockcart/ edit the ajax-cart.js file and replace lines 598-601 with the code below.

Be sure and empty you ..cache/smarty/cache and compile folders to be sure this takes effect. (do not remove any index.php)




if (parseFloat(jsonData.shippingCostFloat) == 0 && parseInt(jsonData.nbTotalProducts) >= 0)




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  On 3/28/2013 at 3:30 PM, acutbal said:



Of course!! In my case I've upgraded from v. fresh install to v.1.5.4 via one click update, I have installed a theme from Prestadesigner with very little changes, and I've activated the guest instant checkout.


I've restarted and configured again the module blockcart, installed one from previous version, and checked its positions in the hooks, but still missing.


Thanks in advance!!


Are you speaking of the Cart in the column or in the header.

If you want a cart say in the right column go to modules position and choose Transplant a module then in the drop down choose module select Cart block then in Hook Into choose displayrightcolumn (Right Column blocks)

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  On 3/28/2013 at 4:07 PM, tdr170 said:



Are you speaking of the Cart in the column or in the header.

If you want a cart say in the right column go to modules position and choose Transplant a module then in the drop down choose module select Cart block then in Hook Into choose displayrightcolumn (Right Column blocks)



I have hooked the module blockcart in displayHeader and in displayRightColumn.



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  On 3/28/2013 at 4:12 PM, acutbal said:


I have hooked the module blockcart in displayHeader and in displayRightColumn.




Sorry bit you mean you have no cart at all nothing in the header or in the columns.

Edit ..config/defines.inc.php and turn error reporting on define ('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

also can you give a link to the site.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 3:43 PM, Dmit said:

all files has been upgraded. Now upgrading database. this can take a while ...




[OK] PHP : /* PHP:update_customer_default_group(); */


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_meta` SET `page` = 'supplier' WHERE `page` = 'supply'


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_image_type` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD `id_lang` INT UNSIGNED NULL AFTER `id_default_group`: Duplicate column name 'id_lang'


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_customer` SET id_lang = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE name = 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' LIMIT 1)


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_customer` c, `ps_orders` o SET c.id_lang = o.id_lang WHERE c.id_customer = o.id_customer


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_quick_access` SET `link` = 'index.php?controller=AdminCartRules&addcart_rule' WHERE `link` = 'index.php?tab=AdminDiscounts&adddiscount'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_cart_rule` ADD `free_shipping` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `value_tax_excl`: Duplicate column name 'free_shipping'


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_cart_rule` ocr, `ps_cart_rule` cr SET ocr.free_shipping = 1 WHERE ocr.id_cart_rule = cr.id_cart_rule AND cr.free_shipping = 1


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_orders` o, `ps_order_cart_rule` ocr SET o.`total_discounts` = o.total_discounts + o.`total_shipping_tax_incl`, o.`total_discounts_tax_incl` = o.`total_discounts_tax_incl` + o.`total_shipping_tax_incl`, o.`total_discounts_tax_excl` = o.`total_discounts_tax_excl` + o.`total_shipping_tax_excl` WHERE o.id_order = ocr.id_order AND ocr.free_shipping = 1


[ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_tab_module_preference` ( `id_tab_module_preference` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_employee` int(11) NOT NULL, `id_tab` int(11) NOT NULL, `module` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_tab_module_preference`), UNIQUE KEY `employee_module` (`id_employee`, `id_tab`, `module`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_tab_module_preference' already exists


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:add_new_tab(AdminMarketing, es:Marketing|it:Marketing|en:Marketing|de:Marketing|fr:Marketing, 1); */


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` DROP INDEX `product_sqlstock`


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` ADD UNIQUE `product_sqlstock` (`id_product`, `id_product_attribute`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`)


[OK] SQL UPDATE ps_configuration SET `value` = '8388608' WHERE `name` = 'PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_MAX_SIZE' AND `value` <= '524288'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_guest` ADD `mobile_theme` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0: Duplicate column name 'mobile_theme'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD `mobile_theme` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `gift_message`: Duplicate column name 'mobile_theme'


[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD `mobile_theme` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `gift_message`: Duplicate column name 'mobile_theme'


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_address` CHANGE `phone` `phone` varchar(32) default NULL


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_address` CHANGE `phone_mobile` `phone_mobile` varchar(32) default NULL


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:update_genders_images(); */


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_customer` SET `id_gender` = 1 WHERE `email` LIKE 'pub@prestashop.com' AND `id_customer` = 1 AND `id_gender` = 4


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_cart_rule_carrier` crc INNER JOIN `ps_carrier` c ON crc.`id_carrier` = c.`id_carrier` SET crc.`id_carrier` = c.`id_reference`


[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_payment` SET `order_reference` = LPAD(order_reference, 9 , '0')


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:p1540_add_missing_columns(); */


Update Db Ok


files setting update


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty/cache/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty/compile/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty_v2/cache/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.


[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty_v2/compile/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.



does not appear in the admin tab of the module - opens a blank white page and no debugger shows no errors


found the cause of the problem. Because of the module pm_advancedsearch4

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  On 3/28/2013 at 4:17 PM, tdr170 said:

Sorry bit you mean you have no cart at all nothing in the header or in the columns.

Edit ..config/defines.inc.php and turn error reporting on define ('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

also can you give a link to the site.




I've edited ..config/defines.inc.php and changed value from false to true




And appeared this in the header:




I can't give you my url because is under construction and is in maintenance mode. If you need something more please let me know.


1.000.000 thanks!!!!

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when try to run liveedit get:


Page not available

We're sorry, but the Web address you entered is no longer available

To find a product, please type its name in the field below



Also, if try to do guest checkout, guest must SAVE their info before seeing payment choices :(

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