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Which One Is Best?


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Hi all,

I have two running websites with two different free templates.

Played around a little with both, have a look and tell us which one you prefer :)


http://www.tekplanet.co.uk This is the default template with minor changes


http://www.tekshop.co.uk This one is a free template, again a few small minor changes


Have a good rout around and give us all you got :)



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Good morning,


I go with the others, Tekshop is better, but a couple of points, I hope you don't mind:


The two "SHOP NOW" links on the top of your pages don't work


The "VIEW" buttons on your products are not aligned


Some of the images are too small as is the text below the images, well, for my eyes anyway


What about a few social media icons on your product pages


When I input 3 letters into your search bar I donot always get a result


Your "About Us" page has no information


And finally, I really do like your site, well done



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The Browse Categories List on tekshop is ridiculously waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. :blink: I suggest you consolidate more of the similar categories (e.g. AV) under main Parent categories. If you can some how figure out how to get your Categories list to display as a drop down fly-out menu in the Top Horizontal Menu on tekplanet this would greatly influence the usability of tekplanet when visitors are browsing the categories. I believe the Social Media profile icons on tekplanet should be positioned in the top left above the tekplanet logo and search box or in the footer space were the Google Wallet icon is and it (Google Wallet icon) more to the right.


Firefox 19.0.2
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