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Error Sending Mail Php


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First of all sorry for my bad english. I've problems when I try to send an email from my shop.

I get t'his message:

"Sending failed using mail() as PHP's default mail() function returned boolean FALSE."

I'm on shared hosting and I've the mail function disabled.

I tried these two solutions:








but did not work :(


My hosting company tell me that I 've to change this in my shop :

Código de ejemplo

//--- Para rellenar: ----------------

$servidor_mail = "30.0.0.XX"; //servidor de correo

$user_mail = "usuario"; //dirección usada para enviar los mensajes

$pwd_mail = "contraseña"; //contraseña del usuario

$from_name = &quo t;Nombre del remitente"; //nombre del remitente

$from_email = "[email protected]"; //dirección que aparecerá como remitente





//Envío del mensaje.


$mail = new phpmailer();


$mail->Host = $servidor_mail;

$mail->Timeout = 30;

$mail->SMTPAuth = true;

$mail->Username = $user_mail;

$mail->Password = $pwd_mail;


$mail->From = $from_email;

$mail->FromName = $from_name;



$mail->Subject = $subject;

$mail->Body = $body;




echo "Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;



Puede encontrar mas información en http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/p

but I'don't see where I can put it.

Can you help me?


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you should setup external SMTP server for your prestashop mailer.


which version of prestashop you use?

if 1.5.x go to advanced parameters -> e-mail



change settings to underlined option, then you must to complete the form where you can setup external SMTP server



Btw. change the hosting, hosting without mail() function is very unprofessional in my opinion :|

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