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Prestashop Quantity Discount Show/hide Problem

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The current quantity discount displayed on the product page is limited to one row only where there should actually be more when you have multiple quantity discount. The jQuery code is using

ID for show hide. So it affect only 1 ID when the show function is executed.

Change it to use class instead for show/hide.


Here's the fix.


Open product.js in js folder of your theme directory






if ($('#quantityDiscount_'+combination).length != 0) {



} else



Change it to



if ($('.quantityDiscount_'+combination).length != 0) {



} else




Open product.tpl in your theme folder



<tr id="quantityDiscount_{$quantity_discount.id_product_attribute}">


Change it to


<tr id="quantityDiscount_{$quantity_discount.id_product_attribute}" class="quantityDiscount_{$quantity_discount.id_product_attribute}">

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