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Best Source For Themes

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Hi all,


Apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum.


I am looking for some guidance on where to purchase PrestaShop themes. There are many sites selling them, but I can't help but wonder if they are all created equal. Any recommendations would be great.


Is it expected that themes are upgraded with new prestashop releases? Should this be included in the purchase or is it an additional fee?


Many thanks,



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Hello Tas


I would highly recommend using either templatemela dot com or templatemonster dot com both offer great support and great themes. In my opinion it's worth it and I can verify that both are ok to purchase from. Be careful because some sites could be pirated sites and selling fake themes. But with those 2 I can vouch they are ok



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Hi Tas,


I would strongly suggest if the theme is unique eg that the seller is not reselling someone else's work. Furthermore, really important is theme support. Some of the selling sites offer theme installation support but as a additional cost. Support is really important as you can't do anything with a theme, no matter how much you paid it, if you can't install it.

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