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Problem On Displaying Product Price When Choosing A Combination

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Hi, I'm working on this site: www.doormarket.it, from this template:




and prestashop version installed.


This product: http://www.doormarket.it/portoni-sezionali/8-pannello-bianco-liscio.html has a price of 181,51 in its standard combination

The base price is 120,00 € plus 21% tax rate

The impact price of default combination is 30,00 €


There is another combination with an impact of 50 €


if I choose from "Blindatura" select, "acciaio inox" option, the price should be, as correctly displayed in the cart if I add it, 120 + 50 + tax rate = 205,70


But the price in the product sheet remains always the standard one.


I've controlled as mentioned in this topic http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/226490-price-does-not-update-with-combination-chosen/page__p__1114708__hl__product%20combination%20price__fromsearch__1#entry1114708


the currency rate, but it is already setted to 1.


Could you help me please? :)



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