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Piwik Reports

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I use piwik on a couple of the sites I manage, I remember reading somewhere that there is a plugin for Prestashop, but I haven't actually laid eyes on it. Let me ask though, is there any reason that you prefer it to google analytics?

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no there is no specific reason for it. just happend that way, but i simple removed all google code from tje header.tpl in the google module and put in the piwik code instead, sofar it seems to work :D

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Cool, I am a stat hound, I love looking at stats and trying to figure out patterns and why, so I use it along with ga and awstats with some of my clients. Prestashop really does need a module in the stock install that will let you put code in the head of the document.

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PIWIK and HMTL CODE modules were available till version 1.4 !! (AND some others too!!)

It seems to me that prestashops not wants FREE moduls out there anymore - BETTER GET PAID is their new slogan I think, starting since V. 1.5.x !!

I really love prestashop, but with their new concept to make EVERYTHING payable I am starting to search for another system, presta is GREAT, but with the most modules you would need OR want to modify your shopsystem IT´S MORE EXPENSIVE THEN A PAID SYSTEM !!! CHECK IT OUT FOLKS !!!

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