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Upgrade To – Fingers Crossed

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Upgrade to – Fingers Crossed


Upgrade appears to be successful. I did receive the following error and I’m wondering if anyone can give an opinion on if I should be concerned.



[ERROR] SQL 1048 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook_module` (`id_module`, `id_hook` , `position`) (SELECT id_module, 50, (SELECT max_position from (SELECT MAX(position)+1 as max_position FROM `ps_hook_module` WHERE `id_hook` = 50) tmp) FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = 'backwardcompatibility'): Column 'position' cannot be null


[ERROR] SQL 1048 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook_module` (`id_module`, `id_hook` , `position`) (SELECT id_module, 54, (SELECT max_position from (SELECT MAX(position)+1 as max_position FROM `ps_hook_module` WHERE `id_hook` = 54) tmp) FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = 'backwardcompatibility'): Column 'position' cannot be null


Warning detected during upgrade.



Also a white bar is now at the bottom of all pages.


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>>What reason did you upgrade for?


I agree with your point. If you have something that works the reason to risk all the untested bits in an upgrade should be justified.


In this case, the site is far from live and this upgrade has the following goodies.


-iPad navigation and check out has been optimized and enhanced.

-Stabilized the process of choosing shipping/delivery addresses and carriers.

-Updated compatibility with latest PHP versions.

-Updated integrated modules. Added new Partner modules Stripe, PayU LatAm, Shoppingfeed, Itembase.

-Over 200 minor fixes and patches.


I loaded my previous version and the white line at the bottom of the page is on that copy as well. So I must have did something to cause it and just did not notice it until now. So that means The upgrade appears to have gone without any problem, other than the SQL warning above. Unfortunately, some bugs that are in PS v1.4.9.1 have not been fixed. So I'll need to decide if I'm going to refix or just stay with "fixed" v1.4.9.1.

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It is weird. If you just refresh it settles at the bottom and you can't see the white space until you scroll down.


I'm using #wrapper1 {min-width:1000px;min-height:100%;background:url(../img/bg.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat #d2d2d2;}


And that should be working .... no big deal really.

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