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[Solved]Modifying Feature Products

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Hi Experts


I'm a newbie here. I would like to modify feature products in default PS 1.5 theme as below


(1) Change the product image dimensions width x height (I found a couple of topic regarding this issue but it didn't work out for me), Please tell me exactly where should I add/change the code as I'm quite new to PS.


(2) Remove Short description in Feature Products (I tried to comment out line 43 in homefeature.tpl but it didn't work)




Force recompiling didn't help either.


(3) Modifying Feature Product items in a row from default 4 to higher or lower


I can't give you a link to my shop as it's not live yet.


Thank you

Edited by poekong (see edit history)
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Hi Experts


I'm a newbie here. I would like to modify feature products in default PS 1.5 theme as below


(1) Change the product image dimensions width x height (I found a couple of topic regarding this issue but it didn't work out for me), Please tell me exactly where should I add/change the code as I'm quite new to PS.


(2) Remove Short description in Feature Products (I tried to comment out line 43 in homefeature.tpl but it didn't work)




Force recompiling didn't help either.


(3) Modifying Feature Product items in a row from default 4 to higher or lower


I can't give you a link to my shop as it's not live yet.


Thank you


for (1) I've changed homefeatured.tpl


line 41 to new image dimensions. Not working.


For (2) I've commented out homefeatured.tpl


line 43

<!--div class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:65:'...'}</a></div-->


not working either.


Force recomplied and disabled cache.


Help Pls!!

Edited by poekong (see edit history)
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1) change size in BO and regenerate thumbnails (preferences->images)

2) if you delete this line it appears too?

3) line 32:

{assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=4}


increase value of nbItemsPerLine


Ok now I'm able to do for (2) Remove short description (DONE)

I was editing the wrong tpl file, the correct file is in theme/module folder


For (1) I've defined a new image size 210 x 210 and hard coded H x W in tpl file. But the border is covering the image (see attached) and the prince tag is touching the footer bar. Where do I adjust that.


  <a href="{$product.link}" title="{$product.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" class="product_image"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'feature_default')}" height="210" width="210" alt="{$product.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" />{if isset($product.new) && $product.new == 1}<span class="new">{l s='New' mod='homefeatured'}</span>{/if}</a>


For (3) I will change the code and post the result.post-486465-0-18028800-1362389837_thumb.jpg

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you forget about file ;)


Many Thanks for your help Vekia but which file you are refering to?


For (3) I added the code in homefeatured.tpl


  {assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=6}


But it is showing 7 items in the row. What went wrong?? :huh:


And Footer has a gap now..



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Many Thanks for your help Vekia but which file you are refering to?


For (3) I added the code in homefeatured.tpl


  {assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=6}


But it is showing 7 items in the row. What went wrong?? :huh:


And Footer has a gap now..




Omg I'm so close to the way I want to be. I edited the homefeatured.css file there


#featured-products_block_center li {
padding:5px 0;


But it is now overlapped with border and Text. Any help appreciate.


Edit: Wow I made. Thanks Vekia!!


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