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Product Edits Not Showing In Category List View

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After making edits to the title and short description of a product it is not showing the changes in the Category list view. If I look at the updated product on the "New Products" page or on the main Product page, the changes show there. What would cause the Category list view to not reflect edits that I'm making on the product? This is not just for one category or one product. It is happening to many products and different categories.

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UPDATE: I have discovered that when I disable the Layered Navigation module the products then display with the most recent updates. I would like to use the Layered Navigation module so I'm hoping there is some kind of resolution for this.


I'm using Prestashop 1.5.3 and Layered Navigation 1.8.9


Also noticed at the bottom of the Layered Navigation configuration screen it shows the following error:

[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module Media:

filemtime() [


]: stat failed for /home/content/17/10549017/html/Store/js/jquery/ui/themes/base/jquery.ui.sortable.css


I have changed modules folder permissions to 755 and blocklayered folder to 755 with all included files to 644 as I have seen as a suggestion on other posts... This did not make any change.

Edited by aboterf (see edit history)
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Ok, so I fixed the Fatal Error with the steps below:


Create a empty file "jquery.ui.sortable.css" in folder /js/jquery/ui/themes/base/


Reference: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-7591


This still doesn't resolve my issue though. I still have products displaying incorrectly in the Category List view and I'm unable to configure the Layered Navigation module. It just stays on the Loading screen for the categories for ever.

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