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Manage Stock Functional

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Dear All in Prestashop Forum
First of all i'm glad to know all of you here. I'm a new guy on this so i hope i can get any idea from all of you in this forum.

I have some functionality but i'm not sure does it has in prestashop or not? (i checked already on presta but no result about this)

Manage stock also when the product is sent back by customers
Ex:They have paid, receive the tee-shirt but the size is not good (get M instead of S size), so they send back the product
they don’t like the model and want to change, price is different => we need to update the invoice (give back or ask extra money)

=> how do prestashop handle this problem ?
=> any one have any idea on this i hope you can share with me
my email adress: [email protected]

Thanks before hand

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