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Override In

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Hi everybody;


There is an example in Prestashop user guide about overriding. I totaly copy and paste the example-3 from here and apply to my site but it didn't work.


When I debug a page there is no variable whic is called $currentController.


The example is below:



* With this override, you have a new Smarty variable called "currentController" available in header.tpl
* This allows you to use a different header if you are on a product page, category page or home.
class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore {
public function displayHeader()
	self::$smarty->assign('currentController', get_class($this));
	return parent::displayHeader();


Force compile is active, cache is disable.


I tried this in two new local site but it didn't work.

Edited by tebdilikiyafet (see edit history)
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Thanks you so much. But I know it works with this way. Is overriding to deprecated functions not possible?


Why they put an example to userguide like this If it doesn't work?


I want to use a variable in header.tpl so I select to override displayHeader.

If displayHeader() is a deprecated function what should I use instead of this?

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