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Blank Screen During Step 2 Of Install

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When I get to the second screen during installation where it asks to pick a language, only English and Portuguese show, the rest of the screen is blank and I cannot proceed. I did not see any answers on this anywhere else, and gave up. Tried to install previous 1.4 version and ran into some sort of bug on the Shop Configuration page saying, "Your firstname contains some invalid characters", when it clearly does not.



Any solution to either issue would be great. I'm worried about the performance of PrestaShop in general if there are so many bugs to deal with in installation alone.



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Ok I figured out my problem, I used Adobe's DreamWeaver to upload the PrestaShop. DreamWeaver uploads synchronization files stored in synchronization directories named "_notes" this was confusing the installer which must scan for language directories present in the directory "/install/langs/" If the the synchronization directory was there it treated it as a language causing trouble. So if you have these synchronization directories delete them and then rerun the installer. This worked for me anyway.

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I'm also on a Mac, and have tried Firefox, Safari and Chrome — all with the same result.

I uploaded the files directly to my FTP. I checked the "install/langs/" directory, and there are no "_notes" files in there. Not sure why this is occurring, but it is frustrating.

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I'm also on a Mac, and have tried Firefox, Safari and Chrome — all with the same result.

I uploaded the files directly to my FTP. I checked the "install/langs/" directory, and there are no "_notes" files in there. Not sure why this is occurring, but it is frustrating.


Check your php error logs

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